View Full Version : Dealing with excessive sweating

10-06-2016, 02:00 PM
Hello everyone.

I don't know if any of you also have excessive sweating, but it's my case.
The hardest thing is to deal with sweaty palms. It's hard to know if my anxiety is caused by my sweat problem, or if it's the opposite.
I saw some solution like Drionic or Iontoderma and was wondering if any of you have every tried?
I tried using special creams like Carpe, but it did not work for me.
Any help would work. :)

10-06-2016, 08:54 PM
I sent my brother to my dermatologist and he gave my brother something called Dry Sol that my brother said worked great. A good dermatologist is a good place to start. They know how to control sweating.

Linda Marie
10-07-2016, 08:20 AM
I have had excessive sweating under my arms - not so much my palms - and found an OTC deodorant called Certain Dry that used several times a week solved the problem.
Anne's advice to see a dermatologist is spot on. Also sometimes a pharmacist can mix something for you that does not require a prescription.