View Full Version : CT scan risk anxiety and facts

10-03-2016, 11:16 PM

I went through a CT scan of head normal , last september and every thing came ok, but in january of this year i read an article that ct scan causes cancer and that 2% of all patients will be due to CT scan..

I also read US government figures that suggest that CT scan causes cancer , i was not aware of this risk, now i am constantly thinking of this and making matters worse..

Every now and then such studies come up that confirm this ...

I am 38 years old male, i also had a cervical spine x ray 3 months before the scan last year, it was due to back pain ...

I am really worried can any one please tell what are the facts in this matter and what are my chances now that i have committed the act ....

So many millions go through x ray and ct scans each year , are we all doomed ... please guide ....


10-04-2016, 12:18 AM
Hi Ramesh, the article that reads 2% of people will get cancer, although I can't say is or isn't true, look at the flip side: 98% of people won't get cancer.
Think of radiographers, they have to do it everyday and most are fine You haven't had repeated exposure and I believe your risk is still the same as any other average human.
I know youe thinking 'Well, What if I'm in two percent?' Think of the whole other 98% you're a whole more lot likely to be a part of.

10-04-2016, 01:10 AM
thanks, yes the fact that the more we read and learn on google , the more we get anxious, i know we cannot turn back the clock and what is done is done ... I guess i will have to think like you suggest and look at the positive side ... but this stupid anxiety which is not much but still there keeps on making me feel worried at times ...


10-04-2016, 06:43 AM
My internal medicine and GI physicians told me to stay away from the internet researching diseases as the internet
typically can show that you are doomed.

10-04-2016, 08:32 AM
CT scan can be compared to 500 xrays and one use it when you have to. I usually have one every 5 years. Still alive. Cancer; well you can get it using commercial soaps , or eating a lot of processed foods, or just doing nothing. So do not worry about cancer, waste of time.
Do not read Kirk he is so wrong, and his f*****g physician. I would be dead 20 times over, if I had not checked every medication the doc gives me. I am allergic to a lot of medication and it is serious, deadly serious. Before I fill up the prescription I check every medication. Everyone should do it, to make an educated decision about taking the drug. We are flooded with scripts from docs, needed or not.
I have CT scans on my spine, my sinuses, and cancer runs in my family, so far so good I am already 62 years old :)) nothing is going to happen to you, I promise ;))

10-04-2016, 10:40 AM
Dahila - thanks for the kind advise and encouraging words , means a lot ...


10-04-2016, 10:53 AM
rameshsippy now is the time that we are not depend on doctors mercy mistakes. Internet is awesome to check the meds interaction, to print my blood test result , btw my doc does not like it, she is not a god anymore, no pushing stupid numbers on me, I am printing the same page as she does receive from lab......... Do u think that docs like it, no. They advice not to check on internet. For your own good; ) how stupid it is.
I am kind of against trying to check every symptom, but not long ago I got wrong diagnosis and wrong advice from doc. Now I know what to do and the problem is gone, no because of medical help. I generally do not trust them. The time of family docs who knew everything about patient are gone. ............soon we will be diagnosed by robots :) actually we are now. I believe of taking control over it.

10-04-2016, 10:57 AM
The deity and witch doctor has spoken. Be careful if you pay attention to someone who rants and raves as they are irrational and say irrational things.

10-04-2016, 10:59 AM
Beware taking advice from a person who has no credentials. You could end up in big trouble.

10-04-2016, 11:03 AM
If you had cancer or a heart attack who would you go to? An auto mechanic, an accountant,
a baker or maybe a zookeeper? No, a physician!

10-04-2016, 11:23 AM
More mis-information from the diety. According to an article in consumer reports, which interviewed radiologists,
a CT scan, at worst case, can be compared to 200 xrays and not 500 xrays.

10-04-2016, 12:17 PM
Must be like that in USA in Canada where we have a little bit less controlled scientific society by government, it is 500. In USA everyone is trying to lesser the effect of procedures or medication,'

ie Lipitor . Johnson deliberately had hid the fact that is causes diabetic type II in woman. Every woman over 50 is on this. We have epidemic of Diabetes II in US and Canada ;) they are going to lose in the court, btw I am on list on this too. Kirk you must be so naive to believe that they tell you the true. It is like Clinton telling she had not disclosed classified information
Thank you for the Witch Doctor; I am and this a compliment.

I suspect your work as drug representative, it must be. Trying to send people do docs and taking pills , you must have a personal interest in it
Yes I am a trained herbalist for 40 years, you call it a witch doctor.

Be aware Kirk of spells :)) be aware. I am not going to leave you alone. Btw how can I be on ignore, when you see my posts. You were telling that Ponder and I are on ignore, still you answering both deities:)

10-04-2016, 01:16 PM
More hogwash. I get a really good laugh out of your mindless rambling and dribble.
Herbalist for 40 years, haha. Next thing you know you will be telling me you are
communicating with the dear departed. Keep up the attacks on me. You are
just proving my point that you are a cyber bully and can't stand if anyone
does not agree with you. Too bad for you to live this way. I feel sorry for you.

10-04-2016, 01:31 PM
I feel sorry for your suffering, to be exposed to my posts? Put me on ignore , you said it, you said it twice that I am on ignore. BTW what are you doing here? I know about 4 people you cause heightened anxiety. I had not seen one helpful post from you. I am long time here and seen twit like you...............about a hundred. Ignore me, be a man finally :))) !!!!! Keep the promises!

10-04-2016, 02:02 PM
You help no one as you are delusional and a cyber bully. Cyber bullys act the way you do.
You being a longtime member means nothing. You are only interested in hearing your
opinions and no one elses. I am now taking you off ignore. Name calling is another sign
of a cyber bully and immaturity. Too bad I can't discuss things with you in a rational manner.