View Full Version : Pulse in left abdomen

10-03-2016, 07:12 AM
Has anyone felt this before? I feel like my pulse is in the left side of my stomach and am having difficulty sleeping at night because of it. I'm a rather small person (5 9) 160 lbs and of course I do deal with anxiety just wondering if anyone else has this..

10-03-2016, 07:49 AM
I get this too sometimes. Particularly at nighttime but sometimes when I'm just laying down. It'll feel like it goes all the way down to my stomach and in addition feel faster and/or harder. I always assumed it was anxiety also.

10-03-2016, 01:50 PM
Hi Justaspekt, I went to my doctor today and told him about the pulse beating and he said it was just anxiety however depending on your age its more of a risk of something a lot more serious. I was relieved to hear this from my doctor since I'm in great jogging health. If you're a older gentleman or a woman and are also getting a pulse in your stomach region I definitely encourage you to ask your doctor about it..