View Full Version : Scared.

10-02-2016, 08:49 PM
Hello! I'm new to the forum and I will post introducing myself further soon when I'm on my desktop. I'm just having a problem with my anxiety (not a shocker lol). I have been having soreness in my chest like at the top of my breastbone since Thursday! Along with that, I can barely eat because it burns when I do and my stomach hurts. It sometimes makes me feel like I'm having difficulty breathing, but I think that's just anxiety of a possible heart attack kicking in. I have been so scared to go to the doctor because the last time I was at the doctor I had to be wheeled out because my heart rate was at 140 and I was having a panic attack. I tried to go to urgent care Saturday and got so freaked out I left. I'm definitely going to the doctor tommorow or urgent care. I just need some advice or support on how to get through the visit! My fear is I'll pass out or stop breathing from panicking!
By the way, I think I'm either having really bad acid reflux or gallbladder issues! Not an actual heart attack!

10-03-2016, 08:33 AM
Please, please go to the doctor. You will be fine. Remember, they are there to HELP you. That's their job. Someone is paying them a salary to be there for people like you who need help. I had to go to the emergency room and I was so scared too, but I was just extra nice to everyone and thanked them and it turned out they were nice back to me and I survived. Not going is way more scary than going. I read this message on this forum. A girl said the best advice her father ever gave her was, "Be afraid, but do it anyway."

10-03-2016, 09:15 AM
Welcome to the forum. I would follow Anne1221's advice.

10-03-2016, 03:49 PM
I went to urgent care! It was just acid reflux and I was scared but I did it! My aunt went with me (she struggled with panic and anxiety when she was my age) and she helped me with my breathing and just talked me through it! I feel better now knowing for sure what's going on. Now I just have to deal with stomach pain and such until my meds start working! Thank you for your encouragement!