View Full Version : 3days no sleep

10-02-2016, 11:13 AM
Hi all

I'm begging to get desperate for medicine. I have nighttime anxiety. When I close my eyes obsessive thoughts begin to rush in my mind and this has stopped me from sleeping. Everything seems to be bothering me - I can't sleep when I hear noise and also when it's too quiet. What ever I think makes me stressed.

I feel so Hopless and feel insanity coming. What should I do?

10-02-2016, 11:22 AM
I am sorry you can't sleep and I am sure you feel awful. I would call your physician and see what he/she says or
try Benadryl, Melatonin or some other OTC product. I hope you feel better soon!

10-03-2016, 01:01 AM
Hi there :)

Three days is pretty bad but I've gone a week and didn't go insane (some might say that's debatable lol). Not sure where you are but here in Australia you can get Phenergan over the counter and that knocks me out. Then there are the benzos which work a treat but you need a script and most doctors here won't go near them. There are a whole heap of natural "remedies" but none have ever done much for me.

Insomnia is horrible but if you can hang in there it does tend to sort itself out eventually. I try to think about people who are worse off and would love to be in my situation such as homeless people or people in jail. Even myself at other times in my life when things were a lot worse than they are now.

With the obsessive thoughts and things bothering you - try writing them down (right here if you want to!) The simple act of getting things out of your head and into the open is way more powerful than most people realise.

Take it easy..
Gypsy x

P.S. Watch this! :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3_Lfpj7_DU

10-03-2016, 02:04 AM
After you acquire the medication to arrest your current condition, be sure to look into the cause. Once you treat the cause you'll just have to work on coming off the medication - an entirely new problem in itself. Natural remedies will not work once your reliant on medication. There is a period of discomfort where the body has to detox from medication before the body can utilize natural remedies. Natural Remedies are also now tainted with chemicals and grown in depleted soils. Natural remedies also do not work on individuals who eat a western diet.

Good luck with the drugs.

The Sleep Diet - Kindle Edition (https://www.amazon.com/Sleep-Diet-Carmel-Harrington-ebook/dp/B008NZ1PE4)
The key to resetting your clock!

10-03-2016, 04:01 AM
Thanks for the feedback. My doctor had prescribed me imovane. I have been on been on a benzos class drug a while ago for about a week and it hasn't knocked me to sleep. In fact, it has taken me a few hours to fall asleep with it. It's bed time soon and I'm worried of not sleeping again... I don't think I'm going to take the imovane. I'm going to try the natural way but IM just really agitated about being awake for another 10 hours... Has anyone ever tried listening to podcasts while sleeping ? I'm so freaking anxious I can't even use my mental energy to focus on talking to people anymore...

10-03-2016, 06:34 AM
Be sure to stay away from all caffeine and never exercise nearing bed time. You need to do whatever is necessary to get sleep.
Some natural and prescription remedies can be taken long term. Their is a product my friend has taken called Res-Q sleep, sold by N-3 Oceanic.
I have never taken it, but I have taken other products sold by them and they have all worked for me. I have no financial or any other
interest in N-3 Oceanic, by the way. Good luck too.

10-03-2016, 06:39 AM
Beware of people giving medical advice, as they can be as helpful as witch doctors and do more harm than good.
I beleive if you work with your physician, maybe talk to a natural pharmacist or physician and try things on your
own, you will eventually get back on track.

10-03-2016, 07:08 AM
Lolfeg your post resonates with me, I am suffering with insomnia probably 50 or over 50 years, I was a child of 5 when i stopped sleeping, A lot had to do with the meds they were trying on me for my allergies. Anyway it stays with me and probably going to stay to the end of my life. the only time I tried not to sleep without anything was years ago, 48 hours and I failed took a pill.
I am still using extract of Lemon balm which i make myself. There is many herbs you could use starting as simple as Chamomile tea. try not to take medication because you end like me. I have to sleep in completely dark room, silence and my bed, I am so bad with insomnia that no sleep in any other places. Like Gypsy said ; some people do not have a place to put their head on.
Good advice from Ponder, change of diet and ending late night staying with electronics will help, Before you go to bed you must be calm:) good luck. If you have any questions what to do without the f***** doctors and using herbs , just write to me;))
1/2 of imovane ( 1 pill is 7.5 mg) should knock you down. You maybe the one who is resistant to imovane. It is addictive , even it is the best med to help sleep. Try something else. I would not recommend anything in form of pill, supplements that another kind of Pharma, lying about result writing their own reviews and having not pure but who knows what is in it. Here some of the companies who sell black Cohosh were checked by laboratoriums and it came that 50% did not contain any traces of expensive herb and the rest contained like 0.1 % of it. Black Cohosh is a help for menopausal woman, regulating hormones levels. You could even use aromatherapy it is effective

10-03-2016, 08:26 AM
You remind me of me. (when you said you were so anxious). When I get anxious, I can't sleep either. When my anxiety gets too high, I go to my doctor, he helps me to get calm again, and then I can fall asleep. I get anxious even thinking about not sleeping. I almost had a panic attack when I read Gypsy's post about not sleeping for a week!! My anxiety even wakes me up in the middle of the night.

10-03-2016, 09:04 PM
I almost had a panic attack when I read Gypsy's post about not sleeping for a week!! .

Holy crap i almost had an anxiety attack reading her post post too. And almost had an anxiety attack reading Dahila's post because her one seems extreme too. Last night I went to bed at 10pm. Fell asleep at around 7-8am and woke up at 1pm... So i managed to get about 5-6hrs sleep, and so I'm kind of happy about that.

10-03-2016, 09:28 PM
that's so good Lolfeg, you should try the meditation it will help you to sleep deeper and longer. When I get 5 hours I can move mountains I get so much energy :)) Try guided meditation, it is the best to use the cure we have in us, For me nothing works but when I meditate regular amount of medication works well:))

10-03-2016, 09:33 PM
You remind me of me. (when you said you were so anxious). When I get anxious, I can't sleep either. When my anxiety gets too high, I go to my doctor, he helps me to get calm again, and then I can fall asleep. I get anxious even thinking about not sleeping. I almost had a panic attack when I read Gypsy's post about not sleeping for a week!! My anxiety even wakes me up in the middle of the night.

I was coming off about 80mg Oxycodone a day plus about 10mg Mogadon. Cold turkey. Oxycodone is basically morphine and Mogadon is a benzo. I don't recommend trying this at home lol but I've pushed the limits a bit in my time. So yeah you won't stay awake for a week with normal brain chemistry. Like I say though, I didn't even hallucinate or become irrational.. Just thought I was going to have a heart attack with that level of anxiety. But I actually know people who induce that sort of insomnia deliberately.. Now that to me is crazy!

10-03-2016, 11:55 PM

If that does not creep you out - Type in ASMR SLEEP into Youtube.

If that kind of thing appeals to you, I can share a few more that I have found helpful. Just like medicine ... sensitivity can wane after a while where all one need do is take a break for a while then come back to it later ... OR ... change the style of ASMR from one presenter to another. Just like the professionals we see, It may be beneficial to check others out as not everyone is attracked to the same "style/tone and so on." I don't always gel with the artist linked (GentleWhispering) but most of her videos I find very relaxing.

I have come to find ASMR useful at various times and still do! ... I am just careful how reliant I allow myself to become is all.

I hope you too, are able to find some relief in such online therapy.

10-04-2016, 10:53 AM
ASMR doesn't seem to be working for me. I've been tossing and turning for the past 6hrs now. I'm starting to believe that my body clock has settled to fall asleep at 7am-8am. If this isn't the case then I don't know. I haven't had over 8hrs sleep in 3-4 days now it's horrible. I really don't want to hop on the prescribed sleeping pill I have just received from my doc because my fear is that it won't work, and a failed sleep with a sleep pill would probably lead to more ramifications... Fml

10-04-2016, 10:57 AM
lolfeg my hubby had done it to himself. He watches tv till 6 am and he is surprised, he can not sleep. He gets up at 2 pm and of course takes a nap, then again, It is crazy.Myalarm clock is what help me a lot, It does not matter how many hours I slept I get up and do not go to sleep till at least 10 pm. I started it 3 months ago and it helps a lot. I do not nap though, napping can kill your sleep. I suspect that you changed the sleep pattern. ie you play the game at 10 pm or take the shower, another 5 hours before you are unwind enough to go to sleep............:)

10-04-2016, 01:24 PM
That's not true Dahila. I have many assignments that have been bothering me. But I have granted an extension for them and, still, cannot sleep. I have been tossing and turning for 8hours now. I'm going to go doctors and see what he says. I'm probably going to take the sleeping tablet :(

10-04-2016, 08:55 PM
Hey again,

I read this at like 4:30am - I was deliberately up because I've got a long drive tomorrow and want to sleep tonight. I haven't slept "normally" in years.. In fact I don't know if I've ever slept normally! Anyway, so I was thinking about it when I went to bed at 5am and really, I think this 8 hours sleep thing is a bit of a myth. I read this article a while back which was about how in the days before artificial lighting people generally slept for about 4 hours, then were awake for a few hours, then had another 4 hours. I sometimes only sleep for a few hours and sometimes for like 10 hours straight.

My routine isn't the greatest but whose is?? I think what I'm trying to say here is we need to take the pressure off ourselves to sleep. The body will rest when it really needs to. Like I said earlier in this thread I've been awake for a week without a minute of sleep and I didn't turn into a raving lunatic or have a seizure or anything. I just lay there and one day I started sleeping again. I remember waking up from that first nap (was only an hour or two) and I could literally feel my brain chemistry going back to normal.

Claire Weekes talks about how the body is always trying to heal us if only our minds would let it. But we all know how hard it is to switch off and often the harder you try the more anxious you get! So the other night when I couldn't sleep and was getting really panicky, I just told myself to REST. I thought "anyone would be anxious in your situation" (I have some heavy family stuff going on as usual) and pretty much ordered myself to ease up and just lie there. Well I fell asleep soon after that. But if I hadn't, it wouldn't have mattered that much.

So yeah, make your goal to rest rather than sleep and let your body do its thing :)

10-04-2016, 11:11 PM
Gypsy, im glad you survived one week without sleep. The same thing has happened to my friend (7days no sleep) but unfortunately he missed 1 year of school, was sent to the white room, or 'padded room', and was forced a ssri inhibitor drug to return back to sanity. Interestingly, if you were awake for a few more days, you would have been granted the title as the person with the longest record without sleep.
I have painfully waited all day to reset my body clock. I'm going to take imovane, go to sleep and then report back. Thanks for the feedback

10-05-2016, 03:14 AM
Gypsy, im glad you survived one week without sleep. The same thing has happened to my friend (7days no sleep) but unfortunately he missed 1 year of school, was sent to the white room, or 'padded room', and was forced a ssri inhibitor drug to return back to sanity. Interestingly, if you were awake for a few more days, you would have been granted the title as the person with the longest record without sleep.
I have painfully waited all day to reset my body clock. I'm going to take imovane, go to sleep and then report back. Thanks for the feedback

I think I must be a freak of nature LOL. But somehow I completely forget about that episode and still end up having giant anxiety attacks if I can't sleep when I think I should, even for a few hours! Like the other night I really had to pull myself together and basically tell myself (my "inner child") that nothing terrible is going to happen if I don't sleep and to just go easy on myself.

I actually Googled Imovane because I hadn't heard of it. I've had Stilnox (the stuff that supposedly killed Heath Ledger) and I didn't like that at all.. It was years ago but I remember it made me trip out rather than sleep. I'm very specific about what agrees with my brain chemistry and it's benzos/opiates/alcohol (not so much alcohol anymore because I end up suicidal and then intensely anxious). Even weed sends me into a horrible state of anxiety. So yeah let us know how you go on the Imovane.. I hope it helps.

Oh and as for your friend needing an SSRI to "return back to sanity" - he can't actually have been that bad because truly insane (as in those who have lost touch with reality and are delusional) people need anti-psychotics eg. Seroquel, Zyprexa. I've lived with a chronic schizophrenic and SSRIs wouldn't have helped him at all.

10-05-2016, 01:31 PM
Oh and as for your friend needing an SSRI to "return back to sanity" - he can't actually have been that bad because truly insane (as in those who have lost touch with reality and are delusional) people need anti-psychotics eg. Seroquel, Zyprexa. I've lived with a chronic schizophrenic and SSRIs wouldn't have helped him at all.

Very interesting.
I just had the best sleep than I ever had in my entire life. I went to bed at 7pm, woke up at 6am. Resetting body clock through being awake for so long + imovane = worked a charm..
Imovane is the only drug that has worked for me and it's not even a benzo class drug... Interesting. Anyways, the anxiety and depression have subsided because of the ample sleep I have received,, which was actually a whirldwind of entertaining lucid dream experiences :)

I'd like to thank you, and everyone else who posted, for keeping faith :D. This site is awesome

10-05-2016, 02:34 PM
I am very happy to hear you are feeling better!

10-05-2016, 03:06 PM
Very interesting.
I just had the best sleep than I ever had in my entire life. I went to bed at 7pm, woke up at 6am. Resetting body clock completed through being awake for so long + imovane = worked well.
Imovane is the only thing that has worked for me and it's not even a benzo class drug... Interesting. Anyways, the anxiety and depression have subsided because of the ample sleep I have received,, which was actually a whirldwind of entertaining lucid dream experiences :)

Is like to thank you, and everyone else who posted, for keeping faith :D. This site is awesome

Good one and yes it is ;) I even slept 10:30pm to 7am so we're both winning today!

10-05-2016, 06:27 PM
Got good 8 hours today :)) congrats my dear insomniacs :)

10-05-2016, 07:10 PM
That's great Dahila.

Does anybody know how long it takes for the withdrawal symptoms to subside after a sleeping drug is consumed ? I'm getting moody + anxious every so often

10-05-2016, 08:43 PM
I takes weeks but the best thing is slowly to cut down, I was getting of gabapentin and took two months so no withdrawal effects at all . Go slow cut a bit every week :)

10-07-2016, 09:22 PM
lolfeg, I also just posted my situation of what is keeping my up for 2-3 days straight. Read it and see if we have any connection of our symptoms because I think we are pretty similar!

10-11-2016, 09:01 PM
This happened to me during a three day panic episode! I started then to panic that I would not ever be able to go to sleep and would go insane. I called my doctor and he gave me ambien, it finally worked and I slept! I only needed it two nights and I was finallyaable to get back to my natural sleeping schedule. I think it helped get me back witH it. Sleeping pills are last resort but they do the trick.