View Full Version : Sleep, worry and more

10-01-2016, 05:57 PM
One more night that I can't sleep. Too much work and stress. I also have a hobby that it is occupying too much my time. Once pleasurable and a few hours a week, now I have to put more hours. I do not think I could considered it a hobby anymore right now. I also had a nap this afternoon which was too long which clearly is affecting my sleep right now. Anyway, with anxiety I find problems in everywhere.

Thanks that I fond this wonderful group where I could vent about my anxieties. I am in a constant worry mode. I tend to get obsessed about most things that I put my time in. Hobbies are an example of that. I start slowly and then I get doing plans, think all the time about it and get exhausted.

10-01-2016, 08:31 PM
Insomnia is the worst and I still end up having "fits" (not actual seizures!) over it. Sometimes the brain just doesn't have the right amount of chemicals to fall asleep though. I've been awake for a whole week before (coming off meds cold turkey) and even though it was absolute hell, nothing dramatic happened and I just ended up being able to sleep again when my brain chemistry went back to normal. I didn't even hallucinate or get irrational.. Just hardcore anxiety.

So next time you can't sleep just think "Gypsy was awake for 7 nights straight" ;)

salvator here
10-03-2016, 01:56 PM
Understand the constant worry mode and being obsessed - Seems to be where I'm at now myself. I always say I'm never coming back here, but I also need a place to vent and support as well. I think this is a good place to be and people try their best with advice. I don't say much anymore because I've been too negative lately in my thinking and I don't want it to inadvertently rub off on others.

Gaaawd...Gypsy?! 7 days and you can keep it together...by the 2nd day I make no kind of sense at all. Not sure how much sense I make anyway, but that's a whole different issue :)