View Full Version : Stress at work, worried about a nervous breakdown

09-27-2016, 05:19 PM
One more night with sleep problems. Stress at work is increasing, and normally I do not have much tolerance with high levels of stress. Five years ago I culminate in a nervous breakdown after several months with work related stress. I ended one year out of work and the recover was very slow. I am so afraid that it could happen again.

09-27-2016, 08:02 PM
Welcome to the forum. Work stress can be tough and when combined with not enough sleep makes it harder. I have my own small CPA firm business
and I remember having to work 95 hours in one week back it December 2012 and it was pretty bad. Try to take breaks at work, walk around, go outside, etc.
Just because you had a breakdown once, does not mean it will happen again.

09-27-2016, 10:35 PM
I just want to say welcome as well.

I think everyone is feeling this anxiety at the moment and I don't envy those of you living in the US (assuming that's where you are). This forum is a good place to vent though and not be judged.

Hang in there..
Gypsy x

09-28-2016, 03:11 AM
Welcome to the forum eleveno. Srry to hear your going through a tough time. I hope your able to sort though this issue soon enough. Please feel comfortable to let out whatever is on your mind.

The Intolerable Kid
09-28-2016, 05:59 AM
Welcome. Kirk is right, getting enough sleep is vital for combating work related stress. Avoid stimulants in the afternoon and evening if you're not doing that already. Perhaps medication might provide some relief? Even over the counter sleep aids can be helpful sometimes. Good luck with your job.

09-28-2016, 02:29 PM
Medication for sleep? Asking for trouble. Try reading this instead:

Invaluable read:

Excellent book with chapters dedicated on how to handle workplace related stress & sleep! There is also whole section on why not to take medication for sleep. SLEEP is extremely important in recovery giving us the ability to live to handle life stresses as they be. The section on nutrition is also very informative, as too - the different kinds of circadian rhythms/cycles. The sleep cycle, environment and dynamics of sleep hygiene are all thoroughly examined. Be very careful going down the path of chemical solutions when it comes to getting your sleep. It's all in the book. In fact ... seeking chemical solutions to lifestyle related problems will ensure that ones circadian rhythm becomes out of touch. Whilst meds have their place - be very careful " relying" on them for a good nights sleep. It's all in the book.

Good luck with whatever path you choose to take.

Be warned - this place tends to be a cereal packet pharmaceutical distribution centre the way it hands out advice on chemical solutions. http://i181.photobucket.com/albums/x30/davekyn/rolleyes_zpslbwyggs9.gif (http://s181.photobucket.com/user/davekyn/media/rolleyes_zpslbwyggs9.gif.html)

09-28-2016, 07:45 PM
Try Melatonin for sleep, which is supposed to mimic your natural sleep cycle.

The Intolerable Kid
09-29-2016, 06:30 AM
Kirk is quite right, I use liquid Melatonin to as a sleep aid from time to time. Valerian root tea or tablets can also be helpful. As I stated previously, over the counter products like diphenhydramine can be useful to combat insomnia.
Certainly, I am not suggesting you "take a path" that ends with you addicted to a narcotic. That would be ridiculous.

09-30-2016, 02:56 AM
Thanks for your replies. I had my share of meds in the past. Only in last resource, except some valerian root from time to time during day when I am feeling more nervous.

Ponder is right. Using meds for sleeping disrupt the circadian rhythm. I know from personal experience.

J. Ans
10-09-2016, 03:40 PM
Maybe you could try acupuncture? Community acupuncture is usually less expensive. (I say this and I haven't been lately, even though I have a discount punchcard). It works short-term in my opinion, you have to keep going every week for a while. But it is an alternative to meds. Is it always like this at every job, just any type of high stress load? Or is it this particular job? Too bad we just can't quickly change jobs to a less stressful one, not very realistic in this economy. I'm glad you came on here and shared. You are not alone. :) J