View Full Version : Health Anxiety, Pain in my chest PLEASE HELP PANICKING

09-24-2016, 10:24 PM
i have really bad health anxiety and this evening i've been getting a not painful but there sharp pain on the direct right of my sternum and im panicking am i having a heart attack help me

09-25-2016, 12:38 AM
Hey there,

How are you doing now? I doubt it's a heart attack. Try doing some deep breathing maybe..

Gypsy x

09-25-2016, 12:43 AM
You would definitely want to make sure you're cleared from a doctor but it's more than likely all anxiety and your mind creating the pain. I know that can still be really hard if not impossible to trust in the moment. I'm 32, in good shape, had plenty of doctor visits with no problems, don't have a history of heart disease in my family, and I've thought I was having a heart attack probably a 1000 times. And so far I'm 0 for 1000. That can help me realize that it's just anxiety causing the uncomfortable feelings. The scary thing is that the symptoms from a panic attack and symptoms from a heart attack are very similar. Your mind can do some crazy things to your body!