View Full Version : New in here

09-24-2016, 02:45 PM
Hi everyone!

I need some help/advise, I believe that I have an anxiety disorder but haven't yet been to my doctor. I have microscopic colitis and have been through hell with watery D up to 20 times a day and being on a gluten free diet I find it difficult to get myself together to cook up meals etc, i'd rather just skip dinner etc. I know there are many symmtoms of anxiety here are mine.

shaking hands
unsteady on feet and feeling of being off balaanced all day
mood swings
sometimes pvc's
weak and tired legs
stomach growling
sweaty feet and cold hands
intolerance to cold
dry mouth
no appetite
brain fog
lack of motivation
am happy as the people around me
body shakes
tingling finers and legs
out of breath after small amount of excerise

there are a few more but is there anyone else out there with similar symptoms, the one that really irritaes me is the lack of balance (feeling like i'm on a boat) I can't get rid of it, everyday it seems to hit me around 10am through to bedtime....

09-25-2016, 12:51 AM
You should definitely go to the doctor to check things out and then see a psychiatrist if the symptoms are due to anxiety. All of these symptoms do sound like anxiety and I've experienced most if not all of them.

09-25-2016, 02:48 AM
Hi Dunc,

It sounds like it but you didnt mention some really important ones: heart palpitations, sleeping problems,
muscle tension and shortness of breath i think these ones have almost everyone and it comes along
with adrenaline because of the ''fight or flight''

So im not sure. What type of anxiety do you think you have?? because all of them have anxiety but also
diferent symptoms than others.

09-25-2016, 02:04 PM
Thanks guys

Am off for a week holiday this week overseas so will see my doc as soon as i get back, maybe the break out of work will help as if I begin to relax many of these symptoms fade, hey Metal4life, yes I do on occasion have the odd pvc, muscle tension and shortness of breath, usually later in the evening