View Full Version : In between therapists

09-24-2016, 10:57 AM
This week I had my final appointment with my therapist because he got married and is moving to a different city to be closer to his wife. I've been with the same therapist for over a year so we had built a pretty good client and therapist relationship. I've been feeling really down since that day so I'm not sure if its the stress from that or if I'm just experiencing a depressive episode.

Anyway back to my question for you guys. I've already been referred to another therapist in the same practice but I'm not scheduled for an appointment with them for three weeks. I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to make it the next three weeks if I'm feeling depressed and anxious. Most of this week I've been bursting into tears at random points in time and my anxiety is the worst its been in several months. There's some other stuff going on too but I'm not comfortable sharing at this time.

Anyone have any tips on how to cope?

09-24-2016, 12:37 PM
Hi superchick,
the way that i cope with anxiety is listening to music, i dont even go out without music.
I dont exaclty know what you have so i cant help you further.

09-24-2016, 02:11 PM
I have what I would consider generalized and social anxiety. Music actually helps me a lot but I can't wear headphones all the time sadly. Thanks for the reply :)

09-24-2016, 07:38 PM
Do you think your medications are working for you? Sometimes when I go through a really hard time, I have to up my antidepressant a bit and add in some type of benzodiazepine. Then, when things get better, I go back to my regular dose of my antidepressant and taper off the benzo. You will make it these three weeks! Keep exercising, eating right, staying busy, watching movies, talking to others, etc.

The other day I got anxious about just this subject, because my doctor is going to retire. I wondered if there are therapists online, but I would only try that if I got desperate.

Find some hobbies like putting together some puzzles, or paint, or do something creative. It's your anxiety that is saying "how am I going to make it for three weeks?" but if you take it one day at a time, you'll be okay. I do the same thing..."how am I going to make it through such and such"? And always, always getting through these things is never like what I worried about.

09-24-2016, 10:22 PM
Do you think your medications are working for you? Sometimes when I go through a really hard time, I have to up my antidepressant a bit and add in some type of benzodiazepine. Then, when things get better, I go back to my regular dose of my antidepressant and taper off the benzo. You will make it these three weeks! Keep exercising, eating right, staying busy, watching movies, talking to others, etc.

The other day I got anxious about just this subject, because my doctor is going to retire. I wondered if there are therapists online, but I would only try that if I got desperate.

Find some hobbies like putting together some puzzles, or paint, or do something creative. It's your anxiety that is saying "how am I going to make it for three weeks?" but if you take it one day at a time, you'll be okay. I do the same thing..."how am I going to make it through such and such"? And always, always getting through these things is never like what I worried about.

Hey Anne 1221,
I've been on the same med dosage for awhile and while I sometimes have my bad days (who doesn't?) I would say my meds work pretty good. I will bring up what's been going on with my psych though because I happen to have an appointment this week. Right now the depression is causing more issues than the anxiety but some days its the opposite. Having both is seriously a pain in the butt.

I've been trying my best to find things to do like you suggested because some days all I want to do is crawl back into bed and hide from the world. I know doing that is just going to make things worse. I'm going to try to approach these next few weeks one day at a time. Thanks for listening.

09-25-2016, 12:49 AM
Hey superchick..

I just went through similar because my therapist AND doctor were away and I felt so unsupported. It didn't help that my dad is also away and I had a fight with my mum and didn't see her for a few weeks either. I had some shocking anxiety and depression but I survived.

We are always here :)

Gypsy x

09-25-2016, 11:30 AM
Superchick, I know what you mean. It is so hard to deal with both anxiety and depression. In my case, I have anxiety first and then the depression is secondary to that. But they do go hand in hand. I have to deal with both too. Very much of a struggle. It sound like talking through some of the things that are making you depressed will help a lot so hang in there!

I have to make myself get out even if it's just to take a walk. Yesterday I was inside all day and finally I got out and took a long walk and it did me so much good.

09-25-2016, 01:20 PM
Youre welcome superchick,

As i said you didnt mention the main anxiety symptoms so it doesnt make sense,
or am i wrong and im the only one with these symptoms??
Also if you do a research on anxiety disorders they all have the symptoms that i
mentioned, also the ones you mentiones so, if im honest i dont know :/

Have a nice fay/night, goodbye :D