View Full Version : What do you do to get your mind from racing?

10-20-2008, 08:37 PM
I can't always get it to stop completely. I'm always thinking about a girl I used to like, two girls really. I can't stop. It sucks!!! I'm not friends with them anymore, after I got real depressed I got angry at them (by this time they had stopped wanting a relationship and so I was bitter I beleive)...and I got into an argument and we haven't talked sense. I can't stop thinking about whether or not I should apologize to one of them. BUt if I do I just KNOW I'll be hoping they'll take me back which in itself is not a good thing!!

I'm trying to get back into spending time with other friends. I know that they realize I"ve been going through problems but no one's ever asked about it. I'm not sure if they know I still like them as a friend because I may have been mean to them without knowing when I was real bad.

I'm getting better, but these are the things I think about when my mind races. I'm on welbutrin and it seems to be just kicking in and it's helping.

I get a little uncomfortable talking to other people because I feel like I should be asking questions, and open ended questions and stuff, and I have no idea what I'm doing. I want to just speak, but if I just speak I won't be asking questions. Would that be a poor conversation? Just me speaking without asking questions? I think so. So I try to not stick to that.

Well, I hope that people feel better today.

10-21-2008, 07:25 AM
irrational thinking is a very common problem with anxiety, you're not alone in this. i used to obsess about health problems, blowing them up to be much more than what they were. i also used to be very jumpy, i worried a lot about the people i love, i was a nightmare basically lol.

i found psychotherapy very helpful to deal with it, i'm still a bit of a worrier but i don't freak out in the same way i used to and i can let go of worries where as before they would go around and around in my head for day.

i'm glad you're finding the welbutrin helpful, but you may also like to consider going to a therapist along with the meds. i think that together meds and therapy can be a good combination for dealing with anxiety. that way you are not only depending on the medication but are also taking some of the control into your own hands and dealing with your issues head on.

good luck, i hope you start feeling better soon :)