View Full Version : New here

09-23-2016, 12:19 PM
Hey everyone I'm new here so I'll go through a brief history of where I'm at. Ill admit this upfront I've been very obsessed and worried about have ALS for around 2 years now. I've had muscle twitching all over everyday for almost 2 years now. The twitching isn't what reàlly worries me itß the progressive shortness that keeps declining I figured and hoped that the breathing was just ànxiety but I knew from all the anxious research that I've done that it could be my breathing muscles that could be weàk die to als. I had a pulmonary function test last year that was above average according to the pulmnologist which I was very hàppy to hear but things just kept getting worse last week I had a test that was focused just on my breathing muscles it's called MiP and MEP I believe and they were abnormal..... I've read these tests can be in accurate but I am very worried that this is due to als I've been crying since I got the test result from my primary care doctor so now I have to follow up the the pulmonologist Thursday with the results. I'm beyond worry right now

09-23-2016, 12:54 PM
Hi Itcantbe,

I know what your talking about,
When something really bothers you, you cant stop worrying and when you try
it gets even worse so the only thing to say is welcome and good luck!!!

09-25-2016, 01:08 AM
If you get another clean bill of health have your next Doctor be a psychiatrist. So many people (myself included) obsess over these super rare things and waste so much time on them. I totally get where you're coming from but the shortness of breath is classic anxiety.