View Full Version : Getting over people not liking you?

09-22-2016, 11:16 PM
Thanks for the advice.

Boo Bass
09-23-2016, 04:45 AM
Hi there

Reality tells us that there will always be some people who don't like us. Others won't care one way or another and the rest will like us.

Your anxiety is irrational but you probably know that. You should definitely see a doctor. CBT counseling could help too.


09-23-2016, 06:22 AM
As I have aged I have developed the attitude that some people will not like me for no good reason and i need to accept that.
Just try to do the best that you can, be nice to others, treat them with respect and that is all anyone can ask of you or
anyone else in our lives.

09-23-2016, 07:58 AM
My daughter who is soon to be 26, has had some issues regarding whether people are mad at her, don't like her, etc.
I told her that it best to try to be like Teflon and let things slide off of you and not bother you. My internal medicine
physician agrees, as he says it will bring you less stress in your life.

09-23-2016, 09:26 AM
Hi Tryingto,

Not everyone will like you as you have noticed already so in my case i do everything to dont let people hate me,
no joke my SAD drives me alot insane. For example i cant say no, or yes only i dont know or like i dont care
(when its a question) just because i want everyone to like me and thats not all of it but well try to eliminate
the social media accounts where you are checking constantly about the other people.

09-24-2016, 03:00 AM
Truthfully I don't deal very well with people not liking me, not on the inside, at least. I understand why people may not like me, though. However, I've learned that you just can't please everyone all the time. Just try to be the best you that you can be. At the end of the day, no one is perfect but if you have a good heart and try to do right by others, that's all that really matters. As flawed as I may be, I know I'm not an evil person...and neither are you. Do what you feel you must do in order to move on from this. Deactivate the social media accounts that are causing you stress. Challenge yourself to put your focus and time into other things...things that will uplift you, not make you feel worse. The fact that you have not been eating concerns me. You can't keep going on like this. It isn't healthy for you mentally, physically, or emotionally. I encourage you to seek further help. You've taken a good step by reaching out here. Take care of yourself. Your life matters.

09-24-2016, 03:52 AM
I remember once a number of years ago my wife and I were supposed to go out with another couple for dinner. The girl was a friend
of my wife's and her boyfriend I did not know very well and just me a few times. Before we were to go out for dinner, my wife's friend
cancelled the proposed dinner. My wife asked her why and she said the boyfriend did not want to go as I was too cynical. First of all,
he did not really even know me that well, so it was probably an excuse. I really did not want to go anyway, as my wife's friend was not
really very friendly to me anyway. She was aloof to me, which is idiotic. It goes to show you that people come up with all kinds of excuses so
you have to learn to blow things off.

09-24-2016, 02:08 PM
Whilst I understand the context of rational thoughts previously mentioned, I also understand just how real and genuine our feelings are when it comes to feeling unloved. I say unloved because the perspective of hate tends to leads us into an empty void. Thinking in terms of love helps to deal more with the root cause.

Already I am sharing how I deal with people that hate me. I only wish I could convey in an easier way. I am actually struggling; quite a bit myself in regards to this.

As mentioned before … and mentioned well, remove the triggers and focus on your wellbeing.