View Full Version : A psychiatrist just for anxiety?

09-20-2016, 09:15 PM
With the last few weeks of having horrible anxiety like never before, I've considered going to a shrink. However, I don't "feel" depressed and figured that's what they are only there for. I don't want to walk in and be like: "Hi, I'm George and I have panicky feelings all the time!" I also don't want them trying to throw SSRIs at me...

Does anyone else see a psych about just anxiety/panic disorder? If so, how does it go and how have they helped you?

09-20-2016, 10:12 PM
I have gad panic disorder obsessive with out the compulsive. I got to a point where I no longer could stand my anxiety . I have went through everything you could think of with anxiety. It starts with a theme and it has to worry me. Once I feel worried my mind will latch on and seems to not want to let go. I broke down and went to a psych doctor. They put your situation in perspective and give your illness a name. Once they do , you know what your up against. First step in recovery is realizing you have a problem that needs fixed. There is no harm in taking your mental health into the light. It shows your able to recognize your problem instead of denying its affect on yoyr lufe. Catch it as early as you can because it can get way worse than your current situation.

09-20-2016, 10:14 PM
And btw they do help immensly

09-20-2016, 11:56 PM
I would highly recommend seeing a psychiatrist. I haven't really ever had depression problems but have had anxiety and panic attacks. A good one will help you understand the root causes for your issues. It might take a while and a lot exploration but it's worth it for long term health.

I've gone to 3 different ones in the course of 12 years. The first I wasn't really honest with him about what I was really feeling and it was useless. I was young and immature though. The second one helped me with Cognitive Behavioral Therapy but never really was able to help with what the root causes of the anxiety. My recently one I've been seeing for almost two years is great and has helped me realize some big things that I wasn't aware of.

Another tip I would give is if you see a Psychiatrist to see one that does talk therapy and not just one that is a pill pusher. Some Psychiatrists will not do talk therapy and just speak to their patients for 5 to 10 minutes and give you a medication. Talk Psychiatrists are more difficult to find now and you could always go to a psychologist but they can't help you with meds because they aren't an MD. A good psychiatrist that do talk therapy will not push drugs on you because they realize the problems can't immediately be solved by taking a pill.

09-21-2016, 01:13 AM
I've been seeing one for decades for anxiety/panic :)

My official diagnosis is Major Depression and he keeps trying to tell me I have Bipolar 2 (but no "mood stabilisers" have ever worked). But yeah anxiety can be absolutely crippling. Good professionals are hard to find though, unfortunately. The first one I ever saw (in 1993) put me on a cocktail of meds that turned me into a complete zombie. The one I've been seeing for years isn't perfect but he's pretty good to talk to and just the act of talking to someone and knowing they're there can help a lot.