View Full Version : Hello!

09-20-2016, 06:23 PM
I'm Hope and I've had anxiety for as long as I can remember. It probably started when I was 4 or 5 and I thought the wind was going to blow away everything. I wouldn't stay in the car because I thought the wind would blow it away, some days I even was scared I was going to blow away. Anxious thoughts have followed me to my teen years and it really accelerated at the end of last school year (Grade 9). I would cry a lot and the thoughts were, and still are so overwhelming sometimes I just freeze. I went to a therapist once, it helped for a little but I really feel like I should be seeing one again. I went through some bad things when I started to open up to my close friends about my anxiety. My "best" friend told me I was faking and that I don't know what real anxiety felt like, and told all of my other friends that I was faking anxiety for attention and I was bullied for months about it. It was a really, really tough time and it still really affects me day-to-day. I just need this outlet to be able to talk to people who feel the same way I do.

Thanks for making it to the end of this,
Hope :)

09-20-2016, 06:39 PM
Hi h0pie, and welcome! Is there any adult that you trust that you can talk to about how you're feeling? Do your parents know about your anxiety? Talking to a guidance counselor, or teacher at school may be a good place to begin.

09-20-2016, 06:54 PM
Hi Hope! I agree with CarolineSunshine. When I was in highschool my guidance counselor really helped me. I do recommend seeing a therapist if you have that option and you are willing to get the help. When I was in highschool I know it was hard for me to talk about my feelings. So when my mom forced me to see a therapist I just wouldn't talk. But now that I am older I see a therapist on my own and I am able to talk to her. So definitely if therapy helps you, do it! I'm not sure why anyone would want to fake anxiety because it isn't any fun

09-20-2016, 07:04 PM
Hi h0pie, and welcome! Is there any adult that you trust that you can talk to about how you're feeling? Do your parents know about your anxiety? Talking to a guidance counselor, or teacher at school may be a good place to begin.

Hi Carolina,
My parents do know about my anxiety and are trying to help me back into the system to see a therapist again :) Thank you for replying it really means a lot :)

09-20-2016, 07:05 PM
Hi, thank you for replying it means so much! As I said to CarolinaSunshine my parents and I are trying to get me to see a therapist again but it's so difficult to see someone which is sad. Yeah, haha, my friend was pretty terrible spreading that rumor and it didn't even make much sense