View Full Version : Throat tightness, anyone?

09-18-2016, 09:32 PM
Along with my last few weeks and current anxiety/panic out of nowhere, it is ALWAYS accompanied by tight throat. It gets bad to where I am scared to eat, loss of appetite and I even sometimes cough really hard like I choked on something (especially when smoking a cigarette). I've tried massaging my throats and people obviously have said "just don't think about it". I hate when people say that...lol.

Any other methods of getting rid of this uncomfortable feeling?

Boo Bass
09-19-2016, 08:55 PM
Throat tightness, lump in throat, difficulty in swallowing are common anxiety symptoms.

Listen to Claire Weekes


09-19-2016, 10:39 PM
Thank you. I will give her a listen when I get some free time.

09-20-2016, 08:59 AM
What has worked for me previously since it sounds just like an anxiety symptom and nothing medical. When I start feeling anxious about the way my body is feeling then you try to focus on your surroundings, notice what is going on in the room, where you are, the temperature, what you can hear, anything and everything and if the surroundings start making you anxious then focus it back inwards, focus on your breathing and how you feel in your body and just keep switching back and forth until you feel grounded again. You really have to use all 5 of your senses. So just go through all of your senses and point out things you notice. It helps me. You can give it a try if you want. And never forget to breathe!

09-20-2016, 06:36 PM
What has worked for me previously since it sounds just like an anxiety symptom and nothing medical. When I start feeling anxious about the way my body is feeling then you try to focus on your surroundings, notice what is going on in the room, where you are, the temperature, what you can hear, anything and everything and if the surroundings start making you anxious then focus it back inwards, focus on your breathing and how you feel in your body and just keep switching back and forth until you feel grounded again. You really have to use all 5 of your senses. So just go through all of your senses and point out things you notice. It helps me. You can give it a try if you want. And never forget to breathe!

I used to have health anxiety; then I just seemed to "get over it". But, when I feel like my breathing is being effected, I just remember I read somewhere that: "your body automatically breathes", so that helps me. I definitely will try what you mentioned, because I just had an episode at work and I think it was because my mind wasn't busy. I'm a sous chef and as soon as we started getting tickets, I felt better!

09-20-2016, 06:50 PM
Yeah, I definitely find that when my mind is occupied on something other than my negative thoughts it seems to help the anxiety. If you do end up trying that let me know if it worked for you

09-20-2016, 07:51 PM
I wish I would of tried this at work earlier! My boss knows about my anxiety and always tells me to go sit in his office for a few minutes and try to calm down. That doesn't help! I need to busy my mind, not sit in a quiet room and think about it more.