View Full Version : Social anxiety as a new nurse

09-17-2016, 12:59 AM
Anyone have any tips on calming anxiety in social settings? Just wondering what works for others... lately I've been keeping an elastic band on my wrist to fiddle with when I am nervous. Helps a little. Interested to know how others cope 😊

The Intolerable Kid
10-05-2016, 09:52 AM
Sometimes I'll repeatedly replay a portion of music I've found soothing in my mind in those situations. Good luck with your anxiety, I know nursing is a high stress occupation (my sister in law is a nurse.)

10-13-2016, 07:35 AM
I also feel pretty anxious in social settings.Music..sport (martial arts) can help. But you experience Anxiety as a mental disorder..acoording to all its symptoms you need a talk therapy.

10-13-2016, 08:58 AM
Hi Jlynne!
I listen to music as always, i dont go out without my phone and my earphones. I listen to metal always
because it gives me power, idk why but it does :D

12-21-2016, 12:55 PM
I think you need mental therapy before its getting worse

12-21-2016, 05:39 PM
one of the things that helps me is to focus more on the other people than i do on myself... or get engrossed in an activity or something.

its also important to not fight the anxiety but just to let it be... over time you will teach your brain that you are ok when in these situations and that the fear is irrational.

this will lower and lower your anxiety... its also good to deliberately go out of you comfort zone and face social situations... try a meetup or something small at first... and you will learn that everything is ok... you are ok... and no one is thinking about you... they are all thinking about themselves too :-)

12-29-2016, 02:33 PM
What calms me down in social settings is by reminding myself that I have good social skills, as I'm a pretty good conversationalist. Also, I have an upbeat personality which I think most people like.

01-04-2017, 09:34 AM
Hello, I am in the medical field as well, and I know the stresses that often come with it, I was a Physical Therapist and for the past 10 years I treat patients with CBT and Clinical Hypnotherapy. The one thing I find,in therapy, is what we think, is what we are going to feel. so whatever you to tend to create in your mind, is going to create those uneasy feelings. when you are going through stress, take a look at your body mechanics, when stressed are muscles tend to slightly contract, breath gets a little more shallow and our body mechanics tend to change. now you want to take 3 good slow controlled breathes followed by changing your body mechanics to a relaxing position.comfortable. if you have any other questions or would like other beneficial exercises, feel free to contact me. :))

01-10-2017, 01:19 PM
AGAIN - here is the health care professional Forrestnlp@G ending off with its signature.

This place has taken a dive D. Like I said, nothing but a magnet for service providers.

Last post in here for me.

Time to cut the cord and leave these sufferers to the vultures. Nadine's death was enough for me.

See ya on Facebook.

01-10-2017, 03:39 PM
Everyone is looking how to make a few dollars :( As soon as they can post a link they will link to their business

01-30-2017, 01:10 AM
Anyone have any tips on calming anxiety in social settings? Just wondering what works for others... lately I've been keeping an elastic band on my wrist to fiddle with when I am nervous. Helps a little. Interested to know how others cope 😊
Observe your breathing and detect any tension in your body at these moments. Relax your shoulders and take deep relaxing breaths. View the anxiety you're feeling as some negative energy temporarily occupying your body. It will only stay there if you allow it, by feeding it your attention. Easier said than done, I know, but at least try, and who knows, maybe you'll see some positive results. Good luck!