View Full Version : Anyone have a "tight chest" feeling?

09-16-2016, 10:13 AM
Hey again everyone. I guess my anxiety has circled around again and is wanting to give me fits!

Here is what I am going through right now, for the last couple of months I have been on opiod pain medication for a hip injury. I have now stopped them but as expected I am feeling a little anxious. During the past couple of months, and especially now I have noticed that my lungs seem to "hurt" I have a tight feeling in them along with a sharpish pain when I take a deep breath. Sometimes I struggle to get a deep breath and feel like I can't get my lungs to "pop" like when you yawn. I've done some research and see that the not "poping" thing is normal but I am concerned with the pain.

I'm wondering if anyone else has the lung pain? It's sort of a burning type pain, maybe stinging is also a good word. Happens a lot, in fact I am sitting here typing it and I am having it right now. Sometimes the chest feels tight as well. I seem to have a slight cough if I take a super deep breath but otherwise I don't. I've had bronchitis twice this year which is odd considering that I have never had it in my life and I quit smoking 3 years ago and started with e-cigarettes. I find it strange that the bronchitis would start now.

Anyhow, I was hoping that someone had some experience or advice for this, thank you in advance.

09-16-2016, 11:56 AM
Yes, the "Inability to take a deep breath" is one of the most common anxiety symptoms without doubt, and also one that causes a lot of distress and worry, which obviously just makes it worse. This sensations is actually caused by over breathing, it's your bodies natural way of limiting your oxygen intake, but don't worry, your body is very clever and always ensures you get enough oxygen, which is exactly what yawning is, your body forcing you to breath deeper.

It's an uncomfortable sensation, but really nothing to be concerned with. Try breathing exercises as these can really help.

As for the pain when breathing, this is most likely due to your lungs clearing out all the gunk from smoking. This happened to me when I switched to vaping too. Your lungs will start to clean themselves and in doing so actually become more susceptible to bacteria and infection.

Keep your vaping equipment clean, try and get some fresh air each day, avoid smoky environments if you can, these will all help.

However, I would recommend talking to your GP about your concerns, perhaps request a lung performance test, for your own peace of mind if nothing else.

Best of luck to you my friend.


09-16-2016, 06:14 PM
guys quit smoking, I was a smoker for as long as I remember and I finally hit 40 cigs a day, Then I got pneumonia and I quit with the help of champix. No pain when breathing at all. Tight chest happens all the time, especially when I am focusing on it, so does heart beat goes up...........damn we need the Like button. Mist I love your post :)

09-17-2016, 06:13 AM
As for the pain when breathing, this is most likely due to your lungs clearing out all the gunk from smoking. This happened to me when I switched to vaping too. Your lungs will start to clean themselves and in doing so actually become more susceptible to bacteria and infection.

The only thing with that which confuses me is that it's been 3 years since I stopped smoking and the lung pain issues only started this year. Also, the bronchitis. I've had 2 confirmed cases of it this year alone (first time in my life) and right now I feel like it's coming back again.

I wonder if allergies could do it? It's like the tubes are swollen, that's what it feels like and then a deep breath sends a sharp pain through the lungs, like stretching a tight muscle.

guys quit smoking, I was a smoker for as long as I remember and I finally hit 40 cigs a day, Then I got pneumonia and I quit with the help of champix. No pain when breathing at all. Tight chest happens all the time, especially when I am focusing on it, so does heart beat goes up...........damn we need the Like button. Mist I love your post :)

I did quit, 3 years ago.

09-17-2016, 07:39 AM
It can take that long for lungs to clear up all that gunk.

You really should talk to a GP and request a lung performance test or ask for a chest X-Ray.

09-17-2016, 11:10 AM
I get a sharp pain in my lungs if I'm sitting still for a long time and then I randomly take a long deep breath. Your lungs are just another muscle and it is possible to strain them or stretch them too far. Also with the smoking it does take time to clean all the gunk out as Mist has said. To me it just sounds like you are experiencing normal things and letting your anxiety get the best of you. Probably why you're on this anxiety forum, eh? The worst symptom of anxiety in my opinion is hyper-sensitivity. Any slight minor ache or pain or discomfort feels a billion times worse because you are so alert that something is wrong with you and a slight muscle pain or mild everyday discomfort feels like something major and then we panic and turn it into something even more major. If you tell yourself over and over "its going to hurt if I blah blah blah" then you bet your ass its gonna hurt next time you "blah blah blah" Our minds respond to us a lot better then we think. If you are convinced you have back pain you will actually start to clench your back and tighten your back muscles and eventually that will hurt and you will be right.

09-17-2016, 04:10 PM
so it is not smoking. Maybe you should ask you doc to do stress test. anxiety is anxiety but not everything is caused by anxiety. It could be an easy explanation for it, but the best check with doc. Just remember anxious people have a lot of stomach acid which goes up and it is heartburn sometimes it feels like something wrong with heart or lungs. I would check with doc, just to feel safe:)
Good luck with it

mist I posted without reading your answer, Great minds...........................:)

09-17-2016, 08:08 PM
I would call your physician and explain your symptoms and concerns.