View Full Version : things that are making you happy

10-20-2008, 12:07 AM
as apposed to things that are pissing you off, and not specifically a victory.

I have to say I have a great boss - fist time in my life I have been so completly happy with my boss.

yesterday, she decides to impliment a new system for my expense reports that now will save me a huge amount of work - not only a huge amount of work, but the day or two of the month with the least pleasant work I do. a typicall expense report for me has 7-10 currencies, mind you, and maybe 200 seperate recepts. she took 95% of my work away. I've been doing these damn reports for 20 years, and nobody has done this for me before.

I am a very happy puppy.

10-20-2008, 03:58 PM
what a great idea for a post! we see so many worries and fears here, understandable that's what this place is for, but it's really nice to see someone posting a topic purely for positivity :)

what an excellent thing your boss just did for you! she sounds like a really champ, you're lucky to work for her :) i also really enjoy working for my own boss, it's the first job i've had where i really feel that my boss listens to what i say and acts upon it.

things that make me happy are varied and many lol, so let me boil it down to whats making me happy in life right now! this week i have been playing around with my new digital camera, photography is becoming a new passion for me. today i got a camera in the post called a holga that takes pictures through a plastic lens with all kinds of cool results, i broke my old one so i'm really pleased that the new one finally arrived! i'm also discovering how great it is to learn from a good singing teacher. i love how the trees look at the moment in all their autumn glory and my boyfriend brought me home a delicious bar of chocolate after work lol. all of these things combine for a very happy me right now :)