View Full Version : Weakness on left side of body

09-14-2016, 10:35 AM
Saturday I had a football game and had gotten my bell rung pretty good. Nothing I haven't dealt with before but lately I've been dealing with anxiety so I started getting paranoid. I convince myself I gave myself a brain hemmorage and the next day I went to the emergency room and had a CT on my head. Sure enough I was fine and passed all neurology tests they gave me.

So the last 3 days I've been dealing with some weakness on my left side that I have experienced before from anxiety but now I keep feeling like the doctors missed something in my head and I actually have a hemmorage they missed because of the weakness feeling. Has anyone else dealt with this before the weakness? and also I need some reassurance my heads ok because the CT would've found something right?

Im praying for everyone that deals with anxiety as it really is worse then people realize.

09-14-2016, 07:57 PM
Hi there and welcome :)

Anxiety really is worse than non-anxious people realise! I can go from high-functioning to almost catatonic and bed-ridden with anxiety.

I'm not sure about your physical symptom(s).. I would like to reassure you but I don't have a great deal of faith in the medical profession. My physical symptoms are just the usual rapid heart beat, sweating, lack of appetite etc. It's the racing thoughts and inability to think straight that get to me the most.

All the best,
Gypsy x

09-14-2016, 08:04 PM
Welcome to the forum. The CT scan should have picked up any brain abnormalities. If you continue to feel bad, I
would consult with your physician.

09-14-2016, 10:33 PM
When we believe something is wrong with a specific part of our body and we start paying a lot of attention it, you can be sure something will feel wrong with it. You have been very rigorously tested and you're fine and healthy. So stop worrying. There's nothing wrong with you.