View Full Version : Dealing with Severe Anxiety Daily

09-11-2016, 11:37 PM
Hi, I'm not sure where else to turn so I've decided to share my situation with this forum. I am a new member and this is my first post.

Let me start by saying I have experienced severe anxiety regularly for the last 1-2 years. Ranging from textbook panic attacks (Heart attack sensation, dizzy, etc) to full on disassociation. This disassociation has been the main cause of my concern in the recent year. As an ex recreational drug user (Its been 3 years since I have used any kind of substance), I fear the potential damage I have done to my brain.

This usually leads to me panicking thinking that I have damaged it beyond repair and I will slowly lose my mind. It obviously hasn't happened yet but it still remains a massive fear in my everyday life.

I plan on visiting a Psychiatrist and Therapist soon, although I am determined to beat this without the use of drugs. My anxiety has gotten to the point to where I have trouble functioning normally through out the day.

I am constantly afraid I will have an allergic reaction to new foods, Drinking contaminated water, people trying to drug me for fun because they know how scared I am of drugs, the list goes on.

For those dealing with something similar, how do you manage your symptoms?

Have they improved? My fear is that my symptoms are becoming worse and will continue to do so.

Its 12:36 AM and I cannot sleep due to racing anxious thoughts and ringing in my ears.

Any input or words of encouragement would be awesome, thank you.

09-12-2016, 03:42 AM
Hi, I'm quite new here as well and still figuring out what I'm dealing with.
But one thing I can assure you- it does get better- situations that gave me a whole lot of anxiety I can now deal with
(colleagues coming 'we need to talk' - not my boss, that's a different story...)

So yes, it CAN get better.

Can't give you much more insight than that, sorry.

09-12-2016, 10:46 AM
My experience with anxiety and depression is a bit different, but I can certainly relate to the panic attacks and fear of losing one's mind. I used to take hallucinogens rather frequently and I used to wonder if it might have contributed to any of my existing symptoms.

I guess the main thing I want to say is, there is nothing wrong with taking medication for this kind of thing. I know, I know... there's something about medication that we all tend to lean away from. Personally, I used to be on Zoloft 25 mg for about a year, and it DID help, but then... it wrecked my sex drive. I found myself unable to experience ANY strong emotions, bad or good. However... since I weaned off I've been feeling suicidal. Ugh... I dunno. Don't write off medications completely. A therapist will definitely help. Mine is like my best friend these days (not sure if that's a good or a bad thing...).

I tend to feel better from my anxiety when I distract myself. I tend to dive deep into video games and fantasy novels... avoid alcohol at all costs. I sometimes drink to cope but it always makes me feel 10x worse. Sometimes it helps just to talk it out. PM me if ya just need someone to vent to - I can't promise I have any truly helpful advise, but I can listen and empathize.

salvator here
09-12-2016, 02:50 PM
First off - Congratulations on staying clean for 3 years. As far as any permanent damage as a result of the substance abuse, maybe you should consider seeing a doctor and neurologist if you are still suffering from symptoms after being clean for 3 years. I'm told it can take years to fully recover depending on the severity of usage.

I can relate to much of what you wrote, I also struggle with both disassociation and depersonalization; sometimes for weeks. Its horrible and wears at your resolve, know that.

Good luck with your Psychiatrist and Therapist, hopefully you can try therapy and CBT to avoid medication. I'm bipolar and also trying to avoid the med roller-coaster again, though not sure I'm truly doing all that well some days. My sleep schedule is so messed up that I either forget to take them or miss several day which only worsens the problem. Meds need to be taken regularly to work properly.

Anyways, good luck and hope things start looking up for you