View Full Version : please help

09-05-2016, 07:39 PM
i am having really bad anxiety right now. its not quite a panic attack, but i just feel like crying majorly and im super scared an di have no idea why.
it started yesterday, i got super happy in the middle of the day, but when i got home i felt super angry and irriatated, by the end of the day, i was feeling sort of anxious. it wasn't so bad though.
then today kind of suddenly it just hit me. and i feel like i forgot something, or like i'm missing something, and something is just so wrong and it's sitting on my brain and it hurts so bad and i dont know why, but i'm super super scared. because something is wrong but i don't know what!!
i tried doing steps to calm down but it just made me feel worse. i just need someone to tell me what's wrong!! that's all I need!
i just need to know whats wrong. and then everything will be okay.
also, i dont have any diagnosed disorder. i'm not add, or bipolar, or anything. i just get a lot of anxiety sometimes. and usually, when it's this bad, something is wrong. 90% of the time it's accurate.

09-05-2016, 09:03 PM
It's hard for us to say exactly what is wrong but maybe you should see a doctor.

Wow that's so helpful....thanks a bunch

09-06-2016, 12:32 AM
Hi orangepyro7, sorry to hear you feel so bad at the moment. I think Anne1221 really wanted to help, but unfortunately it is very difficult to provide specific advice, not because of how you describe things, but because they are very general.

Sometimes we all experience life events that cause us to have emotional breakdowns, and to feel like the world is crumbling on us. I have been there, and many of us have. For now, try to be present in the moment and rationalize with yourself that what you are experiencing is temporary and is only the result of anxiety. Look around you, breathe, observe what goes on and think of the world around you, and that it's just like it was before you had this anxiety experience, and will be the same even after this experience is gone. In essence, this is just a temporary episode, and will go away.

Is there anything that has happened in your life to cause you this? If this problem persists, I agree with Anne1221, seeing a doctor would be a good step as it can help you calm down in a time when mental self-help does not seem to work. Stay strong!