View Full Version : Wondering whats wrong....

Worried Teacher
10-18-2008, 07:16 PM

I am new to this forum and I'm trying to figure out exactly what my problem is. I have spent my whole life living with racing thoughts. I can never concentrate one just one thing. I have also always worried a lot about the future, things that might happen, things I cant control.

Recently I suffered an early miscarriage and two months later I was hit by a car. Since then I have been terrified, simply terrified of everything. My constant worry has gotten more severe, and I am starting to have panic/anxiety attacks and severe mood swings. I feel like someone is grabbing my chest and I cant breathe properly. It is affecting my life, my marriage, my jobs and grad school. Is this Generalized anxiety, post traumatic stress or something much deeper? :cry:

01-22-2009, 02:49 PM
Hi Worried Teacher,

I have an article that maybe worth for you to read. Here it s:
Understanding Anxiety Depression Therapy

Do you suffer from the symptoms of anxiety? If the answer is yes, it’s likely that you experience the symptoms of depression as well. Most people who suffer for anxiety over an extended period of time begin to develop the symptoms of depression as well. In many cases, anxiety depression therapy can help.

What is Anxiety Depression Therapy?

So what exactly is anxiety depression therapy and why would you want to try it? Anxiety depression therapy involves partnering with a licensed therapist who will in turn aid you in talking out your concerns until you gain a sense of ease.

Your therapist will spend time during your anxiety depression therapy sessions working to determine why you feel anxious to start with. Dealing with the root cause of your problems will enable you to eliminate your anxiety and, with it, your depression.

Finding the root cause of a patient’s anxiety can be difficult, especially if that person has had a traumatic or difficult upbringing. A good doctor or therapist will make you feel comfortable during your anxiety depression therapy sessions. You may even begin to look forward to your sessions as you begin to notice positive changes in your outlook on life.

What Triggers Anxiety?

The first thing your counselor will cover during your anxiety drug therapy or anxiety depression therapy sessions is the importance of identifying the triggers causing your attacks. You’ll then discuss the things you can do to avoid those triggers altogether. Someone who enjoys frequently alcoholic beverages, for example, may become anxious when he drinks. In this case, avoiding alcohol would help to eliminate anxiety.

There are several treatment alternatives aside from anxiety depression therapy and you will work with your doctor to try as many as necessary until you find the one that works best for you. It’s imperative that you communicate with your doctor at all times, remaining honest about your progress and whether or not you feel your condition is improving.

Your physicians, counselors, and therapists are all highly trained professionals. They want to work with you to ensure you see the best improvement possible, even if that means temporarily using anxiety medications until your condition can otherwise be brought under control. Anxiety drug therapy is not a permanent solution, but will aid you in eliminating some of the physical and mental symptoms of anxiety until you can identify and eliminate your triggers.