View Full Version : Help

10-18-2008, 05:47 PM
Just wanted to see if anyone else has gone throgh the same thing as me. I have been going through anxiety for 2 months but for the last two weeks it has been non stop 24 hours a day. I drink daily for the last three years to deal with it and I know that this is a BIG problem. The problem is I feel like I am going crazy and this has to stop! 2 weeks of crying, gonig to hospitals, doctors, mental health hospitals. Has anyone gone through this? I am in my twenty six and they already ditect liver problems. I need to go through alcohol withdrawl but at this point because the anxiety is SO BAD I can't imagine it. Does anyone have any advice for me? This is my lowest point and I need people who have gone through the same thing to give me words of encouragement. Anything will help please.

10-19-2008, 04:10 AM
hi crysjpb, i'm sorry to see you feeling so low, unfortunately i can't say that i have been through the exact same thing as you, but i have been through anxiety and know how bad it feels.

i think you probably already know what i'm going to say though, but i'll say it anyway. you need to stop drinking, it's not helping the anxiety. alcohol is actually an irritant and can make anxiety much much worse, it drains your body of nutrients and it creates havoc with your blood sugars and both of these things can result in anxiety. if you have been drinking every day for 3 years imagine how upset your body must feel, you need to give it a break and start building yourself up again in order to feel better.

so the first step for you should be to join a programme or group who will help you to stop drinking. take a look in the phonebook, ask your doctor, take a look at posters around town or get on the internet - the information you need is out there, you just have to reach out for it. this situtation won't change unless you make it happen.

you also need to look into taking care of your body again, there are plenty of ways for you to do this. start taking a multivitamin supplement, make sure it contains vitamin B which is excellent for anxiety. look into your diet, heavily processed foods, too many refined carbs, excess sugars and drinks like tea, coffee and sodas can all have an effect on anxiety. the best way to eat is healthy nuritious foods in small amounts regularly throughout the day, this will keep your blood sugars stable. you can also look at excerising every day, it will help to create good hormones in your body that naturally make you feel good. and also don't forget to look at relexation techniques to help with the anxiety, lots of people find yoga and meditation quite helpful.

i also think you shoulds seriously think about going to some form of counselling, not just to help with the alcohol addiction but to deal directly with the anxiety. it can really help. lots of people here, including myself, have found it very beneficial.

so, there are lots of things you can do, but the main one is to deal with the alcohol addiction and to start taking care of yourself again. you know that already though, you just need to come to a point where you're ready to do it. as i said earlier, this won't change by its self, you need to take control of the situation and deal with it directly if you want to get better. i really hope you find the strength you need to begin the change, and i hope you start to feel better soon. please let us know how you're doing and feel free to talk on these boards, you'll find plenty of people willing to help if they can :)

10-19-2008, 01:51 PM
Thank you for even caring enough to reply. At times like these you feel really alone even though I do have family and friends helping. I am lucky to have them but I really need to talk to people who understand. Somedays are better then others but I know I will remain positive and overcome this battle.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.