View Full Version : Worrying - It hasn't happened... YET!

08-26-2016, 05:48 PM
Hi everyone!

Does anybody else have problems with worrying about things that haven't happened yet and probably won't? For example, the fear of losing your job, worrying that someone might get you into trouble.

If you have experience worrying about the future, I'd love to hear how you managed to stop!!


08-26-2016, 07:54 PM
I think we all worry about the future to an extent. I try to distract myself with things I enjoy to
help take my mind off my worries.

08-26-2016, 10:41 PM
Yes! I do that for sure. I agree with Kirk about distracting yourself with things you enjoy. My therapist told me to stop rushing up to meet things that might happen in the future and wait until something comes to me and deal with it. Medication helps (for me), exercise helps and doing things for others help. Remind yourself to come back to the present moment. My therapist told me whenever I have horrible fantasies about the future to recognize that is anxiety. So now I just say, "that is my anxiety". Some people have health anxiety but I have anxiety like you, worry that something may happen in the future.

08-31-2016, 04:16 AM
Well many people have this problems because this thought come from your subconstient mind ,subconstient mind has an enourmos power .But usual this thoughts come from your negativity start thinking positive every day

08-31-2016, 08:13 AM
yes I have the feeling on a daily basis. I worried that my wife would leave me take my son, I would get fired, all my friends turned their back on me. Our lives are rough. I take my meds and take leap of faith because although seems silly, i wish i would get a phone call/ text from my loved ones every hour to tell me they love me. I just have to trust that they do.