View Full Version : Anxiety attacks

08-25-2016, 09:27 PM
Hi All,

First post on here, just wanted to get some advice if possible, for the better part of a month I have been dealing with major anxiety - a bit of background about myself im 27 years old, I have had anxiety most of my life, it has always been rather small in my opinion, I just dealt with everything as it happened however I think it has all caught up to me mentally and is now taking over my life, I am usually happy, always trying to make people laugh, try not to show when im upset and will support anyone going through anything in most cases. Up until now when I am slowly going down, I haven't been sleeping, barely eating, I can't be alone at home anymore, I recently got married which was great and my wife is great, but when she goes out I feel the need to go out and be around people, I hate being "alone" with my thoughts, or even when im driving, I have to call someone on the handsfree just to be talking to someone, ive always rushed to conclusion and panic about anything and everything and blow it up in my head to be bigger than what it is, but I just don't know how to control this, I finally went a saw a doctor who said I had GAD, gave me Lexapro, which is just making me so drowsy, and thinks I should see a psychologist. Ny issue is this, I take this medication but recently ive been getting a lot of sudden anxiety attacks, heart races, I cant sit still, I get all cold, I can't work out how to deal with it... its all mental, everything is in my head, everyone is saying im spaced out, I don't even pay attention when speaking to people which is really bad I know, just don't know how to deal with it, has anyone had luck with this medication for this stuff as the doctor said that's what I need to use, im not sleeping, not functioning at all. It doesn't work straight away I get that but I feel I need relief now.

Thank you in advance for your assistance.


08-26-2016, 04:38 AM
Hey Bballjay,

Welcome to the forum.

From www.drugs.com

Check with your doctor if any of these most COMMON side effects persist or become bothersome when using Lexapro:

Constipation; decreased sexual desire or ability; diarrhea; dizziness; drowsiness; dry mouth; headache; increased sweating; light-headedness when you stand or sit up; loss of appetite; nausea; stomach upset; tiredness; trouble sleeping.

Seek medical attention right away if any of these SEVERE side effects occur when using Lexapro:
Severe allergic reactions (rash; hives; itching; difficulty breathing; tightness in the chest; swelling of the mouth, face, lips, or tongue); bizarre behavior; black or bloody stools; chest pain; confusion; decreased concentration; decreased coordination; fainting; fast, slow, or irregular heartbeat; hallucinations; memory loss; menstrual period changes; new or worsening agitation, panic attacks, aggressiveness, impulsiveness, irritability, hostility, exaggerated feeling of well-being, restlessness, or inability to sit still; persistent or severe ringing in the ears;persistent, painful erection; red, swollen, blistered, or peeling skin; seizures; severe dizziness; severe or persistent anxiety or trouble sleeping; severe or persistent headache; shortness of breath; stomach pain; suicidal thoughts or attempts; tremor; unusual bruising or bleeding; unusual or severe mental or mood changes; unusual weakness; vision changes; worsening of depression.

This is not a complete list of all side effects that may occur - www.drugs.com.


For the comprehensive list, go to http://www.theroadback.org/lexapro_side_effects.aspx

Lexapro is reputedly one of the worst two SSRIs to wean off.

If you have just begun it, you can discontinue without weaning off.

From Y!A:
"I had a friend who died of kidney failure using lexapro for a continued long use of it. Below I have listed some side effects. I would have my Doctor change it immediately! Some drugs lose effectiveness and cause adverse reactions from prolonged use. Please contact your Doctor soon!"

From Y!A: by perfecti... Member since: http://au.answers.yahoo.com/my/profile;_…
"I haven't tried zoloft, but since the very first lexapro tablet I ever took, I have never had an orgasm again. And I came off it a year ago."

"Just personally I tried one pill it was called lexapro I had anxiety depression but after taking the pill I didnt feel just anxious depressed I felt totally nutty I didnt know what to do with myself i was lying in my mums lap like a baby saying I dont know what to do with myself to make it stop - the lexapro drug that was and im 37 no baby. I was so out out it I was vomiting and I couldent see straight. It took about a week for me to feel normal again and even for my vision to stop flickering These drugs can be extremely dangerous." http://au.answers.yahoo.com/activity?show=wDjbMugJaa


My previous relevant posts are:

ANTIDEPRESSANTS / ANXIOLYTICS (ANTI-ANXIETY MEDICATIONS) such as SSRIs like Lexapro: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?34327-Need-so-much-advice-Have-so-many-questions&p=225657#post225657

GENERALISED ANXIETY DISORDER: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?33964-New-to-the-site-and-looking-for-help&p=223989#post223989 *

ANXIETY or PANIC ATTACKS: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?34755-Panic-attacks-that-last-for-hours

HERBAL ANXIOLYTICS / ANTI-ANXIETY SUBSTANCES: (passionflower, valerian, St. John's Wort, etc.) http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?34269-5-Powerful-Tools-You-Probably-Haven-t-Tried-Yet&p=225415#post225415

NON HERBAL NATURAL (NON PHARMACEUTICAL) ANXIOLTYICS: (5-htp, SAMe, etc.) http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?34355-Help-Please!!!/page2HOMEOPATHY: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?34889-Off-medication-after-17-years-need-advice-support&p=228366#post228366

INSOMNIA: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?35202-Telling-therapist-info&p=230310#post230310


Many doctors prefer to first try their patients on Zoloft / sertraline, which is a generally better tolerated SSRI, to accustom their bodies to it, before switching them to Lexapro, or a SNRI.

I suspect that your doctor has been misinformed by the sales reps for escitalopram / Lexapro.

The choice is yours; whether to discontinue if (without weaning off, if taking it for less than 2 weeks) and try the herbal or non herbal anxiolytics, which have a lower rate of side effects, that are not as serious, and always reversible on discontinuation, as well as employing anti-anxiety techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation, or acupressure tapping / EFT*, or continue as a paying guinea pig for a doctor who is covered by insurance, if remaining within the prescribing guidelines. And your federal govt. has done a deal with the pharmaceutical manufacturers, limiting their legal responsibilities in the case of severe adverse effects.

Check out https://www.google.com.au/search?client=opera&q=lexapro%3B+mercola&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 such as:

They Cause 40000 Deaths a Year - But They're Handed Out ... - Mercola
May 3, 2011 - Prozac (fluoxetine); Celexa (citalopram); Zoloft (sertraline); Paxil (paroxetine); Lexapro (escitalopram). SSRIs work by preventing the reuptake ...

Negative Side Effects of Antidepressants Drugs - Mercola
Jan 3, 2008 - Prozac; Paxil; Effexor; Celexa; Remeron; Lexapro; Luvox; Serzone; Wellbutrin. Most of these antidepressants are known to affect the brain ...

Antidepressants Linked to a Range of Serious Side Effects - Mercola
Dec 31, 2015 - SSRIs include drugs such as Paxil, Zoloft, Celexa and Lexapro. Researchers from King's College London's Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology ...


When home alone:

Use the relaxation methods at http://altmedicine.about.com/cs/mindbody/a/Meditation.htm
or www.wikihow.com/Meditate or the Yoga Nidra, (actually a meditative practice; a series of simple mental exercises only; no flexibility required) at http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?34171-Questions-relating-to-troubles-with-meditation&p=224951#post224951

Some people are still dismissive of them, but scientific testing has demonstrated conclusively that they increase activity and may, after regularly practising for a couple of months, result in a thickening of the walls of the prefrontal cortex, and better enable it and the hippocampus to control the amygdala, which is the fear centre of the brain, where anxiety and panic attacks originate.

Learn them at least a few hours apart, and preferably on different days, in the morning, or early afternoon. Use the one you find most effective. A minimum of 10 mns is recommended; 15 is better, and 20 is ideally preferred. Optimal results come from use twice daily, morning, and early afternoon, if possible, but once is fine, and is probably more realistically achievable in most households today.

Hoping something in the above helps.