View Full Version : anxiety is wearing me out

08-24-2016, 03:18 PM
Hi All,
Thanks for being here for me. I have been dealing with high anxiety for a few days now after being almost completely panic free for 4 years now. The new fear my brain has cooked up is that I will not be able to continue functioning normally due to my anxiety. That it will take over. I imagine myself losing my job or not being able to take care of my kids. Please tell me this will not happen! I have dealt with anxiety for so long and I have always been able to manage my basic day to day functions even if I felt like crap, I just keep getting this fear that I won't be able to do it anymore at some point and that scares me to death! Can anyone relate or help? Thanks again!

08-24-2016, 06:29 PM
Hi. Maybe you could provide some background. How did you conquer the anxiety the first time? Are you on any medications? etc.

08-24-2016, 07:27 PM
Of course, I have actually overcome this several times. I have always had a medication change to get me out of it. I have been on Paxil, Zoloft, Effexor, lexapro, viibryd and currently on cymbalta. Meds work great for me---for a while. It seems like I always need to be switching them up. I do seem to get longer effectiveness with each one. Like I've been on cymbalta for almost 4 years now and have been great. I am not sure if that is normal to have to switch meds as often as I do or even up the dosage as much as I have. This has all been over the course of 14 years or so.

Thanks for asking!

08-24-2016, 07:40 PM
My anxiety comes and goes and is worse at times. Sometimes it really gets bothersome. Too bad medication
never helped me, so I have had to tough it out.

08-29-2016, 04:41 PM
Hi All,
Thanks for being here for me. I have been dealing with high anxiety for a few days now after being almost completely panic free for 4 years now. The new fear my brain has cooked up is that I will not be able to continue functioning normally due to my anxiety. That it will take over. I imagine myself losing my job or not being able to take care of my kids. Please tell me this will not happen! I have dealt with anxiety for so long and I have always been able to manage my basic day to day functions even if I felt like crap, I just keep getting this fear that I won't be able to do it anymore at some point and that scares me to death! Can anyone relate or help? Thanks again!
I have the exact same fears. no one likes me, no one loves me, I can't do my Job as a parent.

The Intolerable Kid
08-30-2016, 08:44 AM
Having kids does make things tougher where anxiety is concerned. It more difficult to stick to a regular routine, one has to be careful about what meds are taken. If you're not currently on anything, you might want to try and dip your toe into the world of anxiety meds. I suggest asking your Doctor to start you on Xanax or Clonazepam for a trial basis, see if that helps. I would also suggest trying to make sure you get enough sleep, but with kids I realize that's very unlikely. Good luck to you.

08-30-2016, 09:05 AM
Clonazepam seems to save my life more times than I can count.