View Full Version : Being a night owl...

08-24-2016, 07:42 AM
Hey guys! My first time posting here and my first time actually expressing how I feel about this...

I am a 19 year old male. Since I was about 12/13 in school, I have always been a night person. I have genuine worries when I have needs that require me to go out in the day. At any time possible, I would and still will arrange my plans so that they fall in the evening/when it's dark. In the evenings, I feel more alert and peaceful. I feel like I can do a million more things than when it is in the day and it's bright. It's as if I am a completely different person when the sun goes down.

I am very curious to see if anybody else can relate and if this a common or uncommon thing.

Thanks peeps. Have a nice day. :)

The Intolerable Kid
08-24-2016, 09:32 AM
I can relate, I felt the same. I was a night person all my life until 2008. I held 2nd and 3rd shift jobs. I actually found it helped a lot with social anxiety.

08-24-2016, 10:38 AM
Hey Jamesy,

I used to be mainly nocturnal, but then I found out about the fact that it was preventing me from getting sufficient exposure to sunlight to generate enough vitamin D to avoid a deficiency in it, as well as its other health benefits:

Check out: https://www.google.com.au/search?client=opera&q=sun+exposure%3B+benefits&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 such as;

Sun Exposure: Vitamin D And Other Health Benefits Of Sunlight
Jun 4, 2013 - But don't completely shun the sun, as sun exposure has numerous health benefits that go beyond just vitamin D. In a study conducted at the ...

Sun Exposure: Benefits Beyond Vitamin D Production - Mercola
Sep 29, 2012 - While discussions about the health benefits from sun exposure typically center around vitamin D, which your skin produces in response to UVB rays, UVB exposure actually has a number of other health effects unrelated to vitamin D production – whether it's from the sun or a ...

"Vitamin D3 Cured my Anxiety, Depression, and Panic Disorder", (by another forum member) is at http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?12695-Vitamin-D3-Cured-my-Anxiety-Depression-and-Panic-Disorder&highlight=vitamin

My previous post about vitamin D may be viewed at: http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?34912-I-can-t-breathe-or-relax&p=228476#post228476

08-24-2016, 12:46 PM
I'm a night owl and can stay up to 7am or even 9 on occasions and sleep til 4 or 5pm, then not leave the house like you until after 9pm or so. I have found that this pattern reinforces my symptoms of agoraphobia even though I don't have a fully developed condition of it and also of isolation. I try when possible to do things in the day near my comfort zone. Getting out to go grab a bite not far from the house, or going for a walk in the neighborhood, even just taking a drive to have some sort of exposure therapy. Otherwise for me, i will create more anxiety around the day when I have to do something like go to an appointment or anything necessary

08-24-2016, 03:16 PM
Hi and welcome, jamesy :)

I relate 100%. But I also agree you can't really live properly like that. Lately what I've been doing is going to bed by 11 or 12 but setting my alarm for about 4am LOL. I like the early morning as well you see, but sleeping all day isn't practical and you do end up feeling more anxious/depressed. So I've been breaking my sleep up and having a long nap in the afternoon (which is my least favourite time of day). Obviously I can't always do this because I have appointments and stuff, so I have to be a bit flexible, but atm I'm not working nor looking after kids, so I have the luxury of picking and choosing when I'm awake/asleep. I'm actually writing this at 7am after being up for a couple of hours :)

Gypsy x

08-24-2016, 07:44 PM
Welcome to the forum. I am the opposite and am a morning person. My wife is a night owl.

08-29-2016, 06:10 AM
Sometimes I wish I could stay up later, but I get up so early for work at 530am or so, that I get very tired at night.
Even on the weekends I can't sleep past 630am or so.

11-01-2016, 08:43 PM
With me through circumstances at work I had to go back to thirds until we find a replacement. I have applied for other jobs as this may become a habit with people quiting and I having to make the long drive home when the sun comes up and getting settled down to sleep when I go home. Getting readjusted I have had to go back on my prozac due to worry that builds up my mind on the way home. Which i think has become worse as I have become middle age. I have not researched this much, but I do think that when your circadia rhytm is messed up if creates fear and paranoia when you wake up and see that it's later in the day that you think it is.

I'm a night owl and can stay up to 7am or even 9 on occasions and sleep til 4 or 5pm, then not leave the house like you until after 9pm or so. I have found that this pattern reinforces my symptoms of agoraphobia even though I don't have a fully developed condition of it and also of isolation. I try when possible to do things in the day near my comfort zone. Getting out to go grab a bite not far from the house, or going for a walk in the neighborhood, even just taking a drive to have some sort of exposure therapy. Otherwise for me, i will create more anxiety around the day when I have to do something like go to an appointment or anything necessary