View Full Version : Going on vacation next week and am at the HEIGHT of anxiety!

10-18-2008, 12:31 PM
I recently got my anxiety back (for a few years I was anxiety free after suffering since I was a kid, I'm 23 now). It came back I think because now I'm out of school and working but I work on a computer and am sitting still and often times left to my own thoughts.

I'm going away next week for 5 days and I'm so beyond anxious about the fact I will be anxious.

The biggest difference now opposed to before is that I am anxious even while I'm home. Before it was always only in school or work but now its wherever I go, even while I'm in the comfort of my own home.

I'm calling my doctor on Monday to see if they can recommend some therapists in my area because I NEED to see someone desperately.

However it's impossible to see someone this week... because it so soon.

I'm terrified of destroying this vacation but I have hope that I may be too excited to worry... or that I may feel like there's so much on the line that I will just be anxious...

I'm so afraid and upset I've run out of time. I feel like I'm lost now, that it can only get worse now before it gets better. That since I haven't even seen anyone yet that I am completely alone and out of control. I feel out of control of myself and like it can only get worse... the cycle.

My main thing is I feel like it's too late, I haven't seen anyone and so now I know I will just have to suffer... and that there's nothing I can do. I feel like I'm going to go there, so far from home, and be anxious and worry that I'm sick and feel like I'm all alone and that nobody can help me and all I will be capable of doing is suffering and ruining the vacation.

Can my regular doctor prescribe something for me? Are they "allowed" to do that or can only a therapist do that?

10-19-2008, 02:44 PM

sounds like you're really getting worked up about this and i feel for you, really i do. I too was in this situation and ended up not going on holiday. Now i am aware that avoidance of things can increase the fear of them so what i will say may fly in the way of conventional anxiety wisdom!
If you feel so bad that you are absolutley dreading this holiday, if you feel so terrified that you cant face it then don't. At this stage of your suffering i think that putting yourself into such a highly stressful situation could do you more harm than good. However if you feel that you can go then try to and try to relax and accept your anxiety as much as you can whilst you're there. You can always come home if things arent working out.
If you don't feel like you can go away, don't allow yourself to become bogged down with your anxiety...make it a positive step...time to get the ball rolling in terms of recovery....get to that appointment with your GP/therapist, get some relaxation tips, read this forum, be around people...don't allow yourself to be overwhemed.
Don't place so much importance on this holiday...its not absolutely necessary that you go...there'll be other holidays and things when you're recovered (which you absolutely can do).
Like i said, just two months ago i couldnt go on holiday and lost a ton of money, etc... I was a month off work, all because of anxiety...but i'm already feeling better. Try to go, but if you can't it certainly isn't the end of the world...after all you wouldn't be going if you had flu or any physical ailment. Just use your time wisely... and move toward recovery.

Hope this helps