View Full Version : Anxiety over traveling and moving away

08-15-2016, 07:54 AM
I have much anxiety right before I am ready to travel somewhere. I enjoy myself once I go there
and enjoy the research and planning ahead of time. But as the day of travel approaches, I become
very very nervous. The last time I cancelled my reservations because of too much anxiety.. Too much depression! It has gotten
worse over the years, despite numerous trips I go alone. No one else to go with, no one I know at
my destination. I take a very low anti anxiety pill that gets me through the day. Like you say,
I cannot snap out of it and others do not understand at all. I hate this feeling
I am planning to look for places to live, so I'd move 1000 miles away where I don't know anyone.

That frightens and gives me much anxiety.

Has this happened to you??

08-15-2016, 09:42 AM
Same thing with me.

I love planning a trip but as soon as I need to go on a plane , game over I'm not going near that thing.

It's not so much traveling in general but more of planes.

08-15-2016, 01:24 PM
Travel is a pretty common anxiety trigger. I've had the same thing the day of a trip and usually then felt great once I arrived.

It's absolutely worth powering through and going. If you need to take an anxiety pill and a beta blocker that morning so be it. But every time you power through something that scares you and do it anyway, you are one step closer to beating your anxiety.

Conditioning yourself not to give up is key.