View Full Version : Are these just anxiety symptoms..

08-14-2016, 02:40 PM
Or should I be worried of a possible different disorder brought on by anxiety?
here's all my symptoms I experience atleast a few times a week/day

- Random feelings of being doomed for no reason , i begin thinking on that feeling and bring on a panic attack.
- Feeling hated/outcasted from all close friends and family
- General loneliness
- Slim feelings of sadness/sorrow
- Start thinking on something someone said , think too deep and anxiety goes wild and makes it feel like you're in danger.
- Giant moodswings. (like from morning to night I will feel happy , sad , and angry.)
- I will be extremely rude to people around me , but the next second be nice and pretend as if nothing happened.
- Scared to look someone directly in the eyes , because of a possibility of cause a public embarrassment of myself.
- Feeling alone despite alot of friends around you.
- Becoming extremely hostile and angry for the most minor things.

I have been diagnosed with anxiety , and my doctor and psychologist prescribed me medicine ,
but I refuse to take it. I believe I can solve my own anxiety by myself.

08-14-2016, 06:57 PM
Hey there,

Sounds exactly like anxiety to me. What is the medicine?

08-14-2016, 08:14 PM
I agree with gypsylee.

08-15-2016, 03:30 AM
Hey there,

Sounds exactly like anxiety to me. What is the medicine?

I'm not exactly sure of the exact name of the medicine , but it's a syrup.

08-15-2016, 10:33 AM
You definitely have anxiety, and some depression, (which goes along with the anxiety) but the giant mood swings are something you should take seriously. We could help you more if we knew the name of the medication you were prescribed. Any medication can come in the form of a syrup.

08-15-2016, 05:30 PM
You definitely have anxiety, and some depression, (which goes along with the anxiety) but the giant mood swings are something you should take seriously. We could help you more if we knew the name of the medication you were prescribed. Any medication can come in the form of a syrup.

I found my prescription.
I take "Fluoxetine"

08-16-2016, 12:12 AM
I found my prescription.
I take "Fluoxetine"

Fluoxetine = Prozac. I just commented on another guy's post who is suffering badly because the doc gave him Fluoxetine (after he already had a bad experience with another SSRI which is practically the same). Prozac was actually the first anti-depressant that helped me BUT it is not something you take lightly (like doctors seem to think). I remember having to go straight back to the doctor because I felt like my brain was about to explode and he prescribed Valium to help get me through that initial period. It took about 3 weeks to kick in (the Prozac) and looking back I was a bit manic on it (but definitely a LOT better).

So yeah, I am hearing this again and again where doctors are giving newly anxious people SSRIs alone and thinking they'll be ok. I can't really advise you on whether to take it or not.. This whole situation is making me angry to be honest..