View Full Version : Been feeling like death for way too long..

08-10-2016, 10:56 AM
I am a 35 year old female..
It started in November 2013. Had severe headaches, high heart rate when moving around, and lightheaded. Doctor put me on a beta blocker after numerous tests ran and nothing found. Fast forward to today. I have been off the beta blocker for 7 months. I am having lightheadedness (even when sitting but worse when moving around), some shakiness, headaches and high heart rate only when I do activity or something stressful happens). I do get anxiety when driving. I have to have someone with me most of the time. I don't know what happened in Nov 2013 to cause my body to basically shut down. But I am still having some effects of something. I am now leaning toward anxiety. There are some decent days and some horrible days but never really good days. So my question is, can anxiety cause a person to be almost 24/7 Lightheaded? I can't even bend down to get laundry out of the dryer without getting dizzy. Also, I have severe sensitivity to medicine. I can't put ANYTHING in my mouth without feeling worse. Even vitamins make me lightheaded. Any opinions welcome!! TIA!!

08-10-2016, 04:15 PM
Welcome to the forum. Inner ear problems can cause dizziness. It could also be anxiety. Maybe you should see an ENT physician as their specialty is dizziness.
I once had dizziness every day for 6 weeks. When I would lie down the room would move. I would have to hold the railing up and down the steps. My problem
turned out to be the crystals shifting in my ears and as we age, it takes some time for the brain to compensate for this change according to my ENT physician. I hope you feel
better soon.

08-10-2016, 07:29 PM

My anxiety has caused me to feel lightheaded and dizzy many times before. One explanation I got once was that it's because our minds are so exchausted from worrying that they can't cope. If you can bring yourself to put anything in your mouth try rescue remedy, they come in all types: Spray, Drops, Gum, Pastilles. Also Eucalyptus or Lavender baths helped me a lot.

Hope you find a solution soon.


08-10-2016, 09:01 PM
I used to be on a forum for anxiety with webmd, and one girl's user name was "Dizzy" because she always felt that way. But still you definitely should see an ear, nose and throat doctor!

08-11-2016, 11:37 AM
Thank you all! I have been to an ENT and everything is good.

08-11-2016, 07:34 PM
I am happy to hear the ENT physician said you are OK.

08-13-2016, 01:00 PM
This sounds exactly like me!

Hi, im a new member, infact this is my first ever post and I am experiencing the very same symptoms.

It started after waking up one morning and I felt extremely lightheaded. This has continued ever since and has been almost 3 months now. I have had numerous trips to the doctors and they have done urine tests, blood tests, even an ecg on my heart. I have had multiple tablets for vertigo and dizzyness but they don't do an inch of goodness at all.

Along with my dizzyness I have nausea, although feeling this all the time I don't throw up.

I am so frustrated with living like this, I feel highly restricted as I cannot go out so much as I used to and I can't enjoy life any more.

I feel like im at a brick wall!

The doctor did mention that it could be anxiety, but surely it can't make you feel this bad, day-in day-out constantly for 3 months... help!

08-13-2016, 02:36 PM
My GI physician once told me that in many instances the cause of nausea is never found.