View Full Version : throbbing sound in ears?

08-08-2016, 01:43 PM
I've had a weird throbbing sound in my ear for about a day now and I think whatever it is is being exacerbated by my anxiety. I googled (I know its usually a bad idea) and found out that tinnitus can be a throbbing in the ears and that it can be caused/made worse by experiencing anxiety. I was wondering if anyone had experienced this symptom and if so is there any way to get rid of it??

08-08-2016, 06:35 PM
It could be as simple as wax build-up. I live next to a freeway and use earplugs a lot and had that much wax I went half deaf. I went to the doc and they said it was completely blocked, so I tried a few different ear drops from the chemist and then syringed my ears (in the shower lol). Well I got it out and it was awesome. So I'd get them checked rather than googling!
