View Full Version : My fellow anxiety community what do you do for a living? I need ideas

08-07-2016, 10:49 AM
What do you do for a living to pay the bills? Are there any jobs that are good for people with anxiety especially social anxiety?

08-07-2016, 11:14 AM
Hi There!

It isn't GREAT pay but when I worked in retail, I found that it really helped my social anxiety quite a bit. It kind of trained me to be able to talk to people who I didn't know. I think it also depends on your age. 25 is the perfect age for a retail job and depending on where you work it's usually laid back, you do your job and come home. Also, if you're into fitness, sporting jobs are also pretty good and some can pay well (working in a gym) that kind of thing.

All the best!

x -C- x

08-07-2016, 01:13 PM
CPA. Need 150 credit hours in accounting to take the CPA exam nowadays. Not a bad job. Sometimes need to work a bunch of
hours, sit behind a desk pretty much all day, can be stressful, but decent job security and pay.

08-07-2016, 09:37 PM
I was talking to someone about this the other day and one thing I would encourage you to look at is what you enjoy. What would you find interesting? For some people, they can't stand the idea of sitting behind a desk. So what types of work would you like? Most places you will be with people, whether the public or co-workers so go for something you might like.