View Full Version : Recent spike in anxiety, help?

08-03-2016, 02:49 PM
Due to some recent events, my anxiety levels have been much higher than usual, I feel myself becoming more prone to spending my days in bed, I have mood swings more often..

any advice?

08-03-2016, 09:31 PM
Hi and welcome :)

Where are you at with your anxiety? Like have you had it long, seen any docs etc?

Any stressful events will put strain on the nervous system basically. "Normal" people can deal with it somehow but those of us prone to anxiety disorders have a much harder time. I find it helpful to think of it as more of a physical illness (Claire Weekes called it "Nervous Illness") which needs things like rest. But you have to walk a fine line and not give in to it and spend all day in bed thinking about stuff.

Gypsy x

Boo Bass
08-04-2016, 01:00 AM
Hi there

Listen to Claire Weekes


08-04-2016, 06:38 AM
Hi there

Listen to Claire Weekes


Yes. As I always say to people - do not be put off by her old-fashioned style! This put me off at first and I didn't pay much attention but I went back and she's awesome. Hey, she was Australian ;)