View Full Version : Weird Man - A memory

08-02-2016, 05:48 PM
Hello guys, im not sure wtf is that or wtf he is or if this forum is right place, but i remember when i was like 9-10 year old i've seen some guy nearly everyday, he had pretty square face, funny and young looking around 40yo i would say i've seen him like everyday when i was walking to school, but once i've looked away he disappeared and thats the most interesting part, one time he was passing by, another in a bus or a car staring at me.. I had no psychological issues back then, but i remember him well, we never talked or made a contact.. Since then i've never seen him again.

Did anyone experienced something like that ?

The Intolerable Kid
08-03-2016, 09:12 AM
If what you're intending to describe is a hallucination, sure. For me things like that are usually the a side effect of drugs.

08-03-2016, 11:19 AM
Can't be that i had such hallucinations when i was fully healthy and overall fine, so maybe just coincidence or a dream, but due to my ruined thinking i remember it as it was real..

08-03-2016, 02:38 PM
Our mind does play tricks on us. I had seen my father two weeks after funeral, in day time, like 5 meters from me, we meet our eyes. It was reall............but it was not , he was dead
Even tylenol nr 3 can cause some kind of hallucination

The Intolerable Kid
08-04-2016, 06:32 AM
Majesti: "so maybe just coincidence or a dream"
I've had that as well. The most vivid was a full overnight stay with my Grandmother and a friend of hers. I remember the room I slept in, we had breakfast, I remember her front yard when we left. My brain saved it as a legitimate memory record, but my Grandmother and parents swear it never happened. Also the friend of my Grandmother is said to have never existed at all.
Dahlia, your experience reminds me of the folklore story of The Fetch. Slight difference, though, in that your Father was already dead. Usually a Fetch appears just prior to death, the implication being it is a sort of farewell. And old but somewhat interesting concept: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fetch_(folklore)