View Full Version : I did make a big mistake

10-16-2008, 02:27 AM
Hey, I know this is a U-turn but I got back together with my boyfriend last night. He wanted to see me to talk about my anxiety as a friend but as soon as I saw him I realised how stupid i'd been. I coudn't keep my hands off him and realised how much I loved him. Why did it take us to break up for me to realise?! I told my mum and dad that I wouldn't rush into anything and would wait at least another week before I did anything. But when I was sitting with him it just felt so natural and right.

When I feel anxious I just can't think rationally and little things become massive issues. I've put so many people through so much heartache these past few days and i've come out with so much crap, e.g.' I don't think I loved him enough, i'm not ready for commitment, something just wasn't right etc' to so many people. I wasn't really thinking when I said these things, I was just trying to rationalise my anxiety and understand it.

Now my mums mad at me for saying all these things and messing people around. My friends will probably think i'm weird and be pissed off too because they've been supporting me through all of this. I wish I hadn't involved so many people in it :( . I'm going to try to stop worrying all of the time now, and if I feel anxious not try to think about why, because then I end up creating a reason and believing in it, even though its not true (if that makes sense).[/u]

10-18-2008, 03:46 PM
Hi! :)
Awww I am so happy for you that you are back with your boyfriend. Dont worry about what your friends and parents think about you now getting back with him. You are not here to please other people. This is between you and your boyfriend. Ok you involved other people, but I think women especially do this when splitting up with their partner. I know I feel the need to talk about it when I am going through relationship problems, with friends and family. Enjoy what you have with your boyfriend.