View Full Version : Is this an example of anxiety or something else?

Donovan Johnson
07-30-2016, 10:00 AM
I recently got hired for my first ever job. I have never had a problem talking to people after I actually start a conversation but EVERY step along the way in getting this job has been terrifying! The day leading up to the interview I was a nervous wreck. Didn't eat or sleep for the 24 hours leading up to it either. I just counted that as interview nerves that I assume everyone gets. Since then, I have had to return phone calls numerous times and the minutes leading up before the call I get so nervous that I start shaking. After the phone call I spend hours obsessing on everything in the conversation. I have been freaking out for over an hour because I didn't say my name at the point I probably should have. If it wasn't that I would have been bothered all day over something else about the call. Worst part of it all is that I finally get the thoughts totally out of my head, but then it just randomly pops back into my head and I'm freaking out again!

I just had a phone call that went very well, and was relatively simple. I just called to set up my schedule. I only have 30 minutes of sleep because of nerves, and now that the call is over, I'm over obsessing about something I might have done wrong, and now can't find a way back to sleep. So here I am posting here because I don't know what else to do. I don't even know if this falls under the umbrella of anxiety or it's something else. Should I possibly look for a therapist or talk to my doctor, or is this something I should just get used to and get over? Any help is VERY much appreciated.

07-30-2016, 12:19 PM
People without anxiety problems would be somewhat nervous, as to be expected, but not quite this much. However, once you get the job, or a job, you may calm down quite a bit and be okay and it could just be the whole interview process. And if it's a job you really want, that makes you worry even more. Might be a bit premature to worry about anxiety problem but just get through this as best you can.

07-30-2016, 12:29 PM
I read that too fast. So you do have the job now. I think it would be helpful to talk to a therapist or your doctor or you could just wait and see if it gets better as the days go by. If it was my brother (who has no anxiety at all) he would be sleeping like a baby. If it was me, I would be in the exact same boat. I worry about things I said or did, etc.