View Full Version : Bipolar and now Panic Attacks, what comes next?

07-23-2016, 10:24 AM
I was diagnosed with Bipolar Affective disorder 17 yrs ago, and have been managing up until now. I have been to the hospital 5 to ten times for overnight stays and quite a few emergency visits. My main problem was probably dealing with delusions of grandeur. Where I thought I was god, and god was actually my father, if anyone can believe that. Well in and out of the hospital and a few manic attacks later I am still here. Thank God. But now I have started to have these Panic/anxiety attacks. They are horrible. Pounding chest, heart palpitation, trouble breathing, cold sweats, foggy mind, headaches. Thinking your about to die, pass out. Strange stomach pains, numbness throughout the body, trouble speaking, slurring words, loss of memory, and I actually feel like I am getting dumber. My psychiatrist and family doctor have both told me that these things are panic attacks and symptoms of panic attacks, so that makes me feel better, but not 100%.
I still hear voices, mostly gods voice and others basicly directing me and being rude and psychologicly very scarey and painful. Since its god and he know all these panic attacks and when they are here he is kind of in charge of them being there or not. So its kindoff two different dimentions I'm dealing with hear...
Has anyone ever believed they were talking to god? If so, can you share your experience, it would be of great help.
I am also getting very frustrated with these panic attacks. They are making me do less things, go less places, and become more anxious than ever. I have read a few books on panic attacks and CBT therapy and completed the homework that needs to be done with CBT. But its never too late to get some advice from some fellow sufferrers who might know some thing we don't. Thanks.