View Full Version : med ?

10-14-2008, 04:41 PM
hi ive been dealing with anxiety for years. it all started when i got vertigo which caused me to have anxiety. i tried cymbalta in the past and it worked well. a few months ago my anxiety started again so i gave cymbalta another try. a week and a half into it my anxiety worsened,i became depressed and just felt awful and hopeless. then my doc put me on effexor, same thing...my heart pounds from morning to night,my muscles tighten...etc. so now im on paxil its only been 5 days but i just seem to feel more anxious on these meds than i was before and my benzos arent helping that much. has anyone else had this reaction to AD's and will it get better over time. i'm really at my wits end and trying to give the meds some time but i dont know if i can !!! :cry:

10-15-2008, 04:36 PM
hi bethy, please try not to panic. i'm sorry to see you feeling so bad, trying out meds really seems to be a difficult process for a lot of people. unfortunately they have a different effect on everyone, it's hard to judge how you will react to them. and i think often they can tend to enhance symptoms in the first couple of weeks.

i'm not surprised that you felt anxious with the vertigo, i had a very similar experience to you. if you tell us a little more about yourself and what happened the second time your anxiety came along then we might be able to help you a little bit more? there are lots of things you can do along with the meds to help yourself feel better, if you have a read through these forums then you'll find plenty of advice.

i hope you're feeling better soon :)