View Full Version : Delusions of Persecution!

07-22-2016, 09:19 AM
Is anyone having problems with Delusions of Persecution?Its when you believe everyone is after you or conspiring against you. Wherever you go you think someone or everyone is trying to do something negative to you. Anyone familiar with these types of delusions? They are very common with mental health patients...?

07-22-2016, 10:35 AM
Welcome to the forum. I am not familiar with this form of mental illness, although, I think all of us have felt persecuted or treated
unfairly before; some more than others.

07-23-2016, 09:12 AM
Persecutory delusion - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Persecutory delusions are a set of delusional conditions in which the affected person believes ... According to the DSM-IV-TR, persecutory delusions are the most common form of delusions in paranoid schizophrenia, where the person ..

PDF]DELUSIONAL DISORDER Paranoia and ... - Library of Congress
Delusional disorder, once termed paranoia, was an important diagnosis in the late ... subsumed with schizophrenia, and only in 1987 was it reintroduced into modern ... including the persecutory and somatic subtypes, and variants including ...... dangerousness of pathological jealousy by showing that up to a quarter of.


From Yahoo!: "Write down those paranoid thoughts and rank, on a scale of 1-100, how certain you are of them. Write down alternate thoughts or explanations and rate those 1-100. Go back to your paranoid thoughts and re-evaluate your convictions, 1-100. This is a Cognitive Behavioral Therapy technique".

Employ the Technique For Reprogramming Negative Thoughts: Negative thoughts often occur before negative emotions. It's important to regularly monitor, and deal with a negative internal monologue (self talk), or mental process, such as disturbing thoughts, images, impulses, etc., by the process of (a): recognising it, and (b): challenging it immediately. Use the "Technique For Re-Programming Negative Thoughts" - When you notice something negative, such as: "I can't do this/ am never going to get over this!" or: "Why am I always so useless/such a loser?" or even an image, emotion, or a memory; recognise that it is being generated from the negative part of your mind. After identifying and labelling it, visualise a large, red, flashing, "STOP!" sign, and/or possibly a stern faced person wagging an index finger at you in a negative manner, then say to yourself as forcefully as you can, even aloud in a big voice, if alone: "I know this tactic: GO AWAY FOR A WHILE !!!" You may want to use either: "ruse", "ploy", "game", or "trick". In the case of an image, visualise a large "STOP" sign, or your preferred version.

Some people go so far as to keep a wide rubber band in their pocket, then put it around their wrist, when they catch themselves backsliding, stretch and release it, as a method of reprogramming their mind sooner, but I don't regard it as being strictly necessary. Remember to remove it, afterwards, if you use this method. Try replacing a negative thought with a positive affirmation of your choice, like: "I cannot always control what goes on outside. But I can always control what goes on inside" - Dr. Wayne Dyer. Check out: http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=paranoia&x=15&y=19 such as: The Paranoia Switch: How Terror Rewires Our Brains and Reshapes Our Behavior--and How We Can Reclaim Our Courage by Martha Stout, & The Paranoia of Everyday Life: Escaping the Enemy Within by Gerald Alper, &
Overcoming Paranoid and Suspicious Thoughts: A Self-Help Guide Using Cognitive Behavioral Techniques by Daniel Freeman.
* "Even if we have some vague idea that we are not our feelings or our thoughts, when we are experiencing painful feelings or painful thoughts, we believe we have to feel them or think them just because of the fact that they are occurring to us. But painful feelings can be indirectly controlled by physical action, and changing our present thoughts for different thoughts (since feeling occurs as a result of thinking.) Painful thoughts can be directly controlled by choosing replacement thoughts for the ones that are troubling us. Sure, it takes some practice to change a lifetime habit of suffering. But it can be done. Of course it can't be done if we choose to believe that it can't be done. But, since the choice is ours, why not choose to believe it can be done, and do it?"

Use an affirmation such as: "The feeling of paranoia has no basis in reality. I will stop feeling things that aren't real now". Repeat it a few times.

Check out http://www.wikihow.com/Special:GoogSearch?cx=008953293426798287586%3Amr-gwotjmbs&cof=FORID%3A10&ie=UTF-8&q=overcoming+paranoid+thoughts&siteurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.wikihow.com%2FMain-Page and
http://www.ehow.com/search.html?s=paranoia&skin=corporate&t=all such as:
How to Control Paranoia,
How to Treat Paranoia,
How to Deal With Paranoia,
How to Manage Paranoia, &
How to Overcome Paranoia.

Hypnosis is merely a heightened state of suggestibility, in which you are better able to communicate with your subconscious mind; view http://myfavoriteinterests.com/hypnosis/ about what it is, and isn't. 85% of people are suggestible to some degree; 15% - 20% highly so, and 15% - 20% aren't much at all, so you could either preferably seek professional hypnotherapy, or, if not an option, hypnosisdownloads.com has ones about stopping paranoid thoughts, & overcoming fear and anxiety, and instant-hypnosis.com has: Put an End to Paranoia. Professional advice is to use preferably only 1, or a maximum of 2 at any one time.


If the above proves ineffective, you may be suffering from psychosis. There are a number of online quizzes about it via https://www.google.com.au/search?client=opera&q=quiz%3B+psychosis&sourceid=opera&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8 so I suggest that you do some, and if it is indicated, print it / them out, and take to a mental health professional for diagnosis and treatment.

07-23-2016, 09:47 AM
See http://www.vitamindcouncil.org/blog/recent-research-discovers-vitamin-d-status-linked-to-severity-of-schizophrenia/?mc_cid=2bf24485ee&mc_eid=58e9fb595f

I'm neither a doctor, therapist, nor a mental health professional, although the following may either reduce the amount of antipsychotic medication, with its risks and side effects, or help those who refuse medications.
If I was suffering from psychosis, especially schizophrenia, which is a degenerative disease of the brain, I'd definitely maintain the above natural treatments, but also take antipsychotics as prescribed.


Take at least 4, and up to 9 Omega 3 fish oil supplements, (high in E.P.A.) or the recommended dose of a high quality of fish, or krill oil* daily, like Carlsons, or Melrose: (certified free of mercury) it is best if consumed with an antioxidant, such as an orange, or its FRESHLY SQUEEZED juice. If vitamin E is added, it should be certified as being 100% from natural sources, or it may be synthetic: avoid it! Basically, if a vitamin supplement shows dl, which is the acronym for dextro-levo, it contains both isomers, and is therefore synthetic in origin. View: http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&source=hp&biw=&bih=&q=dextro-levo%3B+vitamins&btnG=Google+Search

Females may benefit by balancing the DHA, & EPA versions of Omega 3 in fish, or krill* oil with ALA flaxseed oil Omega 3, or at least one heaped tablespoonful of ground flaxseed, daily. Vegetarians: Google: "Omega 3; algae; supplies" and use with flaxseed. *Use the www.mercola.com SEARCHBAR. Most people in the USA get several times more omega 6 than omega 3, when a far healthier ratio would be closer to 1:1.5
Most people are consuming far too many omega-6 fats compared to omega-3 fats. The ideal ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 fats is 1:1.5 to as high as 1:5, , but the typical Western diet may be between 1:20 and 1:50.

Even the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Office of Dietary Supplements states:3
"Most American diets provide more than 10 times as much omega-6 than omega-3 fatty acids. There is general agreement that individuals should consume more omega-3 and less omega-6 fatty acids to promote good health."
To add insult to injury these additional omega-6 are nearly all industrially processed oils and many of them are heated converted a significant percentage of these fats into trans fats, or even worse cyclic aldehydes. http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2016/01/04/how-much-omega-3.aspx?e_cid=20160104Z3_DNL_art_2&utm_source=dnl&utm_medium=email&utm_content=art2&utm_campaign=20160104Z3&et_cid=DM94316&et_rid=1295654781

It should be noted that a recent Australian study revealed that 80% of commercially available omega 3 fish oil supplements were oxidised, so I'm now recommending krill oil in capsules with hard coats; view:

"The Advantages of Krill Oil Over Fish Oil"
Krill oil is often compared to fish oil, but there are several differences between the two that make krill a more ideal option. ... June 06, 2016 | 171,290 views .... For more information, please read my 2009 article that goes into the sustainability ...


FOR PEOPLE NOT SUFFERING FROM PSYCHOSIS (HALLUCINATIONS & DELUSIONAL STATES) AS WELL AS THOSE WHO ARE: Dr Mercola, at http://www.mercola.com advises: in the winter months, if not getting sufficient daily exposure to strong light, go to a doctor and ask for a 25(OH)D, also called 25-hydroxyvitamin D, blood test. When you get the results, don’t follow the typical “normal” reference range, as these are too low. The OPTIMAL value that you’re looking for is 45-52 ng/ml (115-128 nmol/l)". The company which tests your levels has to be one of those using the correct form of test, and this topic is addressed via the searchbar at Mercola.com - "vitamin D3; testing". View http://drbenkim.com/vitamin-d-facts.htm & http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2008/12/16/my-one-hour-vitamin-d-lecture-to-clear-up-all-your-confusion-on-this-vital-nutrient.aspx 59% of Americans are deficient in the extremely important vitamin D3, with their lowest levels occurring in late winter, and early spring. Canadians get even less sunlight exposure. Seniors with the lowest levels are 11 times more likely to suffer depression (psychosis can occur with major depression).

Dr. Cannell advises that the co-factors most often deficient in the American diet, and necessary to optimise its absorption, and utilisation are magnesium, zinc, boron, and vitamin K2 ( http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2011/03/26/the-delicate-dance-between-vitamins-d-and-k.aspx Mercola have supplies of the considerably more bioactive Menaquinone-7 variety of vitamin K2). Otherwise, I recommend using either health food/vitamin stores, or Googling: " ... ; supplies" rather than risking any old, or substandard products at supermarkets, or even on pharmacy shelves.
The Omega 3 and vitamin D3 will act as preventatives for a wide variety of disorders and diseases, both physical and psychological, as well as boosting your immune system, and are 2 that most people in Western countries are deficient in, so I suggest that you recommend them to others as well. The best dietary source of vitamin K2 is natto (Only FERMENTED soy products, like natto are safe for females).

10,000iu/daily is generally regarded as safe daily upper limit for vitamin D3, although some people may need 3 times as much, and it is worth checking AFTER you have been using effective strength supplements for 3 months to make sure you have achieved as safe level according to Dr Mercola's suggestions. Test every 6 months in late winter, and late summer. Children should take at least 2,000 IU for every 25 pounds of body weight; test again in 6 - 8 weeks, and if normalised, reduce to 1,000 IU for every 25 pounds of body weight. Some need considerably more, or less. My comprehensive answer about vitamin D may be viewed at http://anxietyforum.net/forum/showthread.php?34912-I-can-t-breathe-or-relax&p=228476#post228476

"A study from the Orygen Research Centre in Melbourne suggests that omega-3 fatty acids could also help delay or prevent the onset of schizophrenia. The researchers enlisted 81 'high risk' young people aged 13 to 24 who had previously suffered brief hallucinations or delusions and gave half of them capsules of fish oil while the other half received fish-tasting dummy substitute. One year on, only three percent of those on fish oil had developed schizophrenia compared to 28 percent from those on the substitute, but the result has not yet been published in a peer reviewed journal.[13]"
View: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fish_oil & http://www.oilofpisces.com/depression.html#depression Check out: http://www.google.com/search?q=niacin+psychosis&hl=en&gbv=2&gs_nf=1&gs_l=hp.1.1.0j0i15l2j0i5l2.42121.49306.0.56028.15.

Begin using 50 mg of niacin / vitamin B3 daily, to get your body accustomed to it, for at least a few days, before beginning to increase the dosage to 100 mg. Read http://www.doctoryourself.com/hoffer_niacin.html about the dosage, and decide if you want to adopt the conservative approach, above, or start at 100 mg, three times daily, which is safe, and works quicker, but may well cause more skin flushing.

Take 3,000 mg of vitamin C daily. I am aware of advice, however, that for it to be utilised, synthetic vitamin C needs to be taken with some of the natural form, (such as the FRESHLY SQUEEZED juice of an orange) and / or bioflavonoids.
Optimise vitamin D levels, and take omega 3, niacin, & vitamin C. If supplementing, (the non preferred method, according to http://vitaminDcouncil.org ) use only vitamin D3.

07-23-2016, 09:54 AM
wow, thanks for all that information, very usefull.

The Intolerable Kid
08-15-2016, 06:32 AM
"Even a paranoid has some real enemies." - Henry Kissinger

08-15-2016, 01:32 PM
I do know it's a very convenient diagnosis made by authorities and those who like to shift the blame.
In fact there is a very real problem with society labeling others when their way of life is exposed.
Enough said ... before the men in white coats turn up and take me away. http://www.sherv.net/cm/emoticons/nervous/afraid.gif