View Full Version : Worried...

07-19-2016, 12:44 AM
So I'm going to a water park tomorrow.

Normally this would be a good thing. I love swimming and water-related activities in general, and I'm going with two friends of mine with free passes for the day.

The problem? We're going alone. I'm the oldest, and I'll be 18 in September... the friend that is driving will be 18 in December. I've never ridden with one of my friends before... and all the teenage accidents on the news have scared me out of getting my licence.

I'm scared that something's gonna happen... that all three of us are gonna be faces on the news as victims of a fatal accident... even if I do trust the girl driving.

If these are my last words... I love God, my family, and my best friend with all my heart. I hope I make it to heaven.

07-19-2016, 06:37 AM
I would not worry as I am sure no one will be doing drugs or consuming alcohol, so you all should be fine. Just enjoy yourself and let us know what a good time you had.
Welcome to the forum also.

The Intolerable Kid
07-19-2016, 07:35 AM
Try and leave at a low traffic hour, maybe early in the morning. Usually less traffic=less risk. Have fun on your trip.

07-20-2016, 01:24 AM
Thank you for the welcome... I was really freaked out last night. Your messages came through right before we left, and it was enough to keep me from chickening out at the last second. And hey, I survived XD

The trip went amazingly. We stayed away from rush hour, going to the water park from around 11 to 2:30... I was a little nervous beforehand, but I know both my friends so well that it felt like we were just talking in the cafeteria or in class or something... it was weird. Didn't matter that there weren't any adults with us or anything. And we were at a water park. On. Our. Own.

...I'm beginning to like growing up. That was fun, and I typically don't like spur-of-the-moment things.