View Full Version : Am I... Abnormal?

07-15-2016, 04:00 PM
Please help me. My parents secluded me from the world when I was a kid. I have no childhood friends, and I was weird. As a kid, I stole a lot. In 3rd grade, I hanged out with boys ( I am a girl) and we annoyed the girls in break time.A girl told me she was with us, and I followed her during break. Apparently she lied. I was called a traitor by the boys. I cried. I loathe girls ever since. I was all alone, trying to make friends but I always ended up fighting them. I just started reading books from the library in grade 4, so I don't appear lonely. I was always afraid of people's thoughts on me. Got my first friend midway in grade 5, always had fights, tried to open up to new people, always fought... Until I gave up. Now, going to be an 11th grader, I just draw or read during break time.

I can't deal with people. I don't want them to look down at me. I don't want anyone to ignore me. I don't greet visitors in my family's home. I raren't leave my home. I hate it when my parents force me tho. MY body involuntarily shake when I am in a social event. My voice would sound funny.
I always had the urge to kill, to harm others. I love serial killers. I can't kill tho. Its strongly forbidden in my religion. I just have this pleasure when I think about the different ways to torture someone to death.
I hate it when someone tries to control me.
I hate how my parents hurt me everyday but I forgive and forget the next day.
I want to hold a grudge.
I always put on a facade to deal with everyone.
People betray.
Friends are nonexistent.
Parents are just there.

I wonder sometimes if I am sane.
So I just pretend.
To be a happy person.
To be optimistic.
I changed my personalities alot.
I know that I am bipolar.
I just want to know, who am I exactly?
Please... help me.

Boo Bass
07-17-2016, 07:19 AM
You are mentally ill and need help. It's not your fault. You need to start with your doctor and also ask for counselling. Forgive your parents and your enemies. That will help you to move forward positively. You have social anxiety and agoraphobia which IA more. common than you think.

07-17-2016, 08:23 AM
You should consult a mental health professional right away, so you can be helped.