View Full Version : Beginning Exposure and Response Prevention Therapy

Two One
07-15-2016, 12:29 PM
Hey, everyone. I'll try to keep this as short as possible but I want to share my experience. I've been looking for a psychologist or facility to provide Exposure and Response Prevention therapy for my OCD and emetophobia since November 2015. It has been a long, tough road but I was finally able to find a psychologist at the end of June that agreed to do it. Yesterday was my first appointment actually doing the exposure and response prevention. As you can imagine, prior to my appointment, I was anxious to say the least. But I went in with the mindset knowing that this had to be done. Let me tell you, wow...

After one appointment I already understand why Exposure and Response Prevention is the gold standard treatment for OCD and certain anxiety disorders. I sat there with my eyes closed listening to the exposure and admittedly my mind was going crazy. My thoughts were racing and terrible images kept appearing in my head. I had to sit there embracing the discomfort and not giving in to the urge to resist the anxiety. Then it happened. I felt a terrible surge of anxiety. My chest became tight, a chill ran down my body, and I was full of nervous energy. I often experience this when I have panic attacks. But, during the therapy, as quickly as those sensations came on they disappeared within seconds. I was in shock. I sat there for what seemed like an endless hour being exposed to a trigger, and at times I thought to myself, "This is torturous." But every time I had a spike in anxiety, it went away extremely fast. I was truly amazed. The decision to not resist the anxiety drove it away quickly. During the course of my therapy session my anxiety peaked at an 8 on a scale of 1-10, but it dropped to a 5 just as fast as it went up.

I'm far from treated, but for the first time in years I have a true sense of hope. I believe this is going to help me. After one session, I truly understand why Exposure and Response Prevention is heralded within psychology. I may be blowing this out of proportion, but it was a very positive experience for me. I will not lie, I was incredibly uncomfortable during the exposure but the way that the anxiety diminished was incredible. I just wanted to share my experience with all of you in case any of you suffer from OCD or are considering doing ERP.