View Full Version : What is going on????am I going crazy

10-14-2008, 06:35 AM
Ok I dont really kno how to explain this but I will the best I can.Lately I have been feeling "weightless" or aprat from reality kind of top heavy my bdy feels lighter an I feel like I am fading....also I tried to lay down to go to sleep an I thought i was gonna have a panic attack i wasnt sure what it was but a feeling started coming like i losing control of my muscles or Like i was going insane or about to have some kind of spastic convulsion I have suffered from anxiety for very long...I do not take medication I recently quit smoking cigarettes id say about 3 weeks ago I dont know what to do or what is going on....• Having a heart attack
• Having a serious undetected illness
• Dying prematurely
• Going insane or losing your mind
• Harming yourself or someone you love uncontrollably
• Being embarrassed or making a fool out or yourself
• Losing control
• Fainting in public
• Not breathing properly
• Choking or suffocating
• Being alone
I experience every one of these and many more.....I need help....Thank you

10-14-2008, 08:51 AM
Well done on the giving up smoking! It wll help your anxiety amongst other things. I would make an appointment to see your doctor to discuss how you feel and to put your mind at ease to rule out anything else that could be causing how you are feeling other than it being anxiety. It does however all sound related to anxiety. The list of symptoms you wrote are what anxiety causes you to stress about. I know it is easier said than done sometimes but try and replace each negative thought with a positive thought and also dont allow yourself to be frightened by the thoughts. Be realistic about your thoughts. For example you worry you will die prematurly...turn that thought around and tell yourself ok I may do and if it happens it happens and I will deal with that when it happens, but then again I may also live to be 100 years old and then picture yourself as that old person who is happy, contented, who doesnt have anxiety, who is enjoying and appreciating each day that he has left. Replace the negative image in your head with an exact opposite positive image. Some days I feel like I am floating and like a zombie.I just allow the feeling and I dont fight it. I am not on any medication. I am totally sure it is do with anxiety. My mind and body are worn out by it. I had depersonalisation/derealisation a few months ago and that made me feel like an alien on this planet !T Eventually it faded and I no longer get that. The effects of anxiety can be devastating in so many ways. I do all the self help that there is and have a very healthy diet and I read lots about anxiety and I exercise and help myself as much as possible with positive thinking and I have had CBT, but even so there are days and nights when I feel like I am exhausted and spaced out with strange thoughts racing through my head. I dont let anxiety scare me anymore and I go with the flow of it but it is all bound to have an effect on how we feel due to the debilitating effects it can cause. I try to eat healthy non processed foods little and often and this makes me feel less spaced out. as well as drinking plenty of water. I gave up smoking in the past but I wasnt a heavy smoker and I didnt really get any side effects. Maybe others on here can help you with that? I find alcohol makes my anxiety far worse so I dont touch it now. I dont know what else to suggest other than visiting your doctor and explain how you feel and also give yourself plenty of time to rest. Tell yourself how you are feeling is all to with anxiety.Try not to pay too much attention to how you are feeling - dismiss it as anxiety and carry on. Do you have others who you can share how you are feeling with apart from on this forum? For every negative worrying thought you have, then replace it with a positive thought. I do this almost constantly it seems but it does help and relax me and it keeps my thoughts in perspective. I hope things improve. Hugs