View Full Version : Feedback

07-14-2016, 10:15 PM
I'm seeking feedback regarding a particular set of symptoms, curious to see if anyone else has experienced them. I should start by saying that I've undergone a battery of tests over the years conducted by everyone from a cardiologist to a pulmonologist to a gastroenterologist with no organic explanations. You grow tired of seeing different physicians with no diagnosis - I'd be thrilled to death if they simply told me I was crazy, believe me, at this point I'd much rather accept that. When I am anxious or in the throes of a panic attack, my head seems to feel like my nasal passages have suddenly filled up, as if cotton has been shoved up my nostrils, and at the same time, I have a pressure in my head behind my nose along with a pressure in my back. It comes on like a light switch and it's the most bizarre combination - almost like something stuck in my esophagus (but no chest discomfort) along with these head symptoms. There doesn't seem to be any logical connection between the head/back issues. No pain, but severe pressure. So, again, I'm not panicking because of a stuffy nose (i.e., fearing I can't breathe), but the stuffy nose occurs immediately when I start to panic.