View Full Version : Anxiety sucks!

07-12-2016, 11:54 PM
How many of you agree.

07-13-2016, 03:39 AM
Nope. I love it ;)

07-13-2016, 07:14 AM
I love it too :)

07-13-2016, 10:14 AM
Not good at all, to say the least.

07-13-2016, 02:00 PM
It's the pitts!

07-13-2016, 02:54 PM
Saldav, how many years the same situation? You should get used it by now. W know each other for 3 years already:))

07-13-2016, 11:30 PM
Depends how you view it. I choose to view it as no more than a reaction. Sometimes my reactions suck and other times they do not. Then there are others times where other people's reactions suck - and then they do not. The stress all comes down to a persons ability to adapt to changing circumstances, dynamics and environmental factors. In fact anxiety that is tamed can be rather beneficial to building motivation or guiding ones way through challenging moments.

If you think anxiety sucks, then chances are you probably think most things suck. Such is the programming nature of those who tend to continually give up.

I love it - Give me all you got. ;)

07-14-2016, 12:03 AM
Depends how you view it. I choose to view it as no more than a reaction. Sometimes my reactions suck and other times they do not. Then there are others times where other people's reactions suck - and then they do not. The stress all comes down to a persons ability to adapt to changing circumstances, dynamics and environmental factors. In fact anxiety that is tamed can be rather beneficial to building motivation or guiding ones way through challenging moments.

If you think anxiety sucks, then chances are you probably think most things suck. Such is the programming nature of those who tend to continually give up.

I love it - Give me all you got. ;)

I was being sarcastic when I said I love it.. I think it's one of the most horrible things and I'd prefer physical pain (depending on the severity). But sometimes it actually helps to think "give me all you got" in the midst of an anxiety attack.. I did that the other day and managed to calm down eventually. Sometimes your thoughts just get so out of control though that it's unbearable and it depends on what's going on around you and what you have to do at the time.

So yeah I just wanted to clarify that I do not really love anxiety! :)

07-14-2016, 05:22 AM
I was being sarcastic when I said I love it.. I think it's one of the most horrible things and I'd prefer physical pain (depending on the severity). But sometimes it actually helps to think "give me all you got" in the midst of an anxiety attack.. I did that the other day and managed to calm down eventually. Sometimes your thoughts just get so out of control though that it's unbearable and it depends on what's going on around you and what you have to do at the time.

So yeah I just wanted to clarify that I do not really love anxiety! :)

If that makes you feel better smokey. :P - just kidding - I was responding mostly to the OP. I stand by my post, as IMO anxiety is so overrated and mellow dramatic. (but that's just my copping mechanism) Bit like smoking. An addiction most people hate; yet love to death. Tail chasers. Took me years to give that up, but I did so only by adopting such an outlook. Of course that's just my view - it is one that has helped me overcome anxiety to a large degree ... I mostly struggle with the predisposition and seek to overcome by actively searching out positive experiences and in turn; let go of the constant complaining.

07-14-2016, 06:25 AM
Saldav should start to do something about the situation. We all know that he comes here , and cries. He is on meds, the last thread was about clonazepam. Everyone of us try something beside the meds. Walking, exercising, distraction, meditation, visualization................... there is a lot we can do to manage it. and yes, Ponder is right, he is programming himself for the failure and suffering.
To manage the anxiety requires a lot of work........ complaining is much easier

07-14-2016, 07:51 AM
suckiest thing I've ever dealt with!

07-14-2016, 09:21 AM
Anxiety is normal if in response to a real event, such as a car accident, the diagnosis of cancer, etc. Although I know someone who at age 63 got a diagnosis of
prostate cancer and when the doctor told him, he had no real reaction at all. He told me it was like the doctor told him he had a head cold. Nothing really phases
this person, it is amazing, like he has nerves of steel.

07-14-2016, 12:30 PM
Dahila states "To manage the anxiety requires a lot of work........ complaining is much easier" For me, this is Spot On!!! Ty Dahila. So True. Death comes to us all, but how we choose to act/react will determine just how much pain we take on board. I'm also coming to realize just how much we affect those around us as well as how much we are affected in turn.

07-14-2016, 02:54 PM
Saldav, how many years the same situation? You should get used it by now. W know each other for 3 years already:))

Do I have you on Facebook?

07-14-2016, 02:59 PM
Depends how you view it. I choose to view it as no more than a reaction. Sometimes my reactions suck and other times they do not. Then there are others times where other people's reactions suck - and then they do not. The stress all comes down to a persons ability to adapt to changing circumstances, dynamics and environmental factors. In fact anxiety that is tamed can be rather beneficial to building motivation or guiding ones way through challenging moments.

If you think anxiety sucks, then chances are you probably think most things suck. Such is the programming nature of those who tend to continually give up.

I love it - Give me all you got. ;)

You must not suffer as bad as some of us do. I say it sucks cause it has made my life miserable for the last 15 years. And when I go through it disables me for weeks sometimes months at a time :(

07-14-2016, 03:06 PM
Saldav should start to do something about the situation. We all know that he comes here , and cries. He is on meds, the last thread was about clonazepam. Everyone of us try something beside the meds. Walking, exercising, distraction, meditation, visualization................... there is a lot we can do to manage it. and yes, Ponder is right, he is programming himself for the failure and suffering.
To manage the anxiety requires a lot of work........ complaining is much easier

I'm not complaining I'm just saying Anxiety sucks!

07-14-2016, 03:15 PM
Saldav should start to do something about the situation. We all know that he comes here , and cries. He is on meds, the last thread was about clonazepam. Everyone of us try something beside the meds. Walking, exercising, distraction, meditation, visualization................... there is a lot we can do to manage it. and yes, Ponder is right, he is programming himself for the failure and suffering.
To manage the anxiety requires a lot of work........ complaining is much easier

Why you being mean? I don't come here and cry, I do walk and do stuff to distract me, but sometimes my anxiety is really overwhelming. I come here to open up a spit out what im feeling. You putting me down doesn't make things better.

07-14-2016, 04:36 PM
Saldav I am not mean, any criticism, even the slightest one, you call people mean. I the years I know you, and I remember most of your post, not much changed. I had seen you helping others though, and You were awesome. The best distraction is to help someone else, you know what they are going through, you are there........
Saldav my dear , you had not read my post correctly:(

07-14-2016, 05:28 PM
Saldav I am not mean, any criticism, even the slightest one, you call people mean. I the years I know you, and I remember most of your post, not much changed. I had seen you helping others though, and You were awesome. The best distraction is to help someone else, you know what they are going through, you are there........
Saldav my dear , you had not read my post correctly:(

Aww......... ok!

07-14-2016, 09:00 PM
I had a pretty full-on night last night involving the people who have continued to cause me anxiety for the last 15 years - my ex and my mother. Both of them have what I believe are quite serious personality disorders and many people have said they wouldn't cope with what I've been through (and been unable to escape from because it involves my daughter). I can sort of stand back a bit and watch these people do their thing but it's basically led to what I believe is "complex PTSD" so I experience anxiety/panic as an automatic response to their behaviour.

I guess my point here is that anxiety is a very, very real thing and many of us have been in abusive situations (and still are). So it's very important to be non-judgemental in places like this. I'm not pointing the finger at anyone but I do feel this thread has gone in a direction that isn't quite what I'd hope for in a forum like this..

07-15-2016, 01:46 AM
No one is suggesting that anxiety is not real. Yes, there are many assumptions being made from more than one point of view. I have been careful not to personally single any one individual out and apologize if my opinion has made another uncomfortable beyond reproach. However in saying that, I understand where Dahila is coming from. It's frustrating to see many people caught up in misery by constantly wallowing in self pitty, blaming others and their symptoms. Whilst it would be nice to be a non judgmental forum, it would also be nice if people stopped singing their same old stories in the same old tune. Any deviation from such mellow dramatic ramblings without barely any self reflection is often to the other extreme with several pages using cut and paste.

As a long term member, I think the direction and challenges being presented in this thread are very much warranted. A person's inability to stomach their take is as much a reflection of themselves as one may claim of another. I too am getting sick of being dragged down into the depressive state that this forum has been subject too with the constant complaining and blaming.

Thankfully there have been a few new members who are making great gains having made the effort to at least match their stories, hear say and past meanderings with close self reflection that speaks from personal experience "aimed at self!" ... they write as if they are their own audience; not some fan based commiseration series that knows no end.

Does that kind of sound like some of what you mean Dahila ... about the way this forum has been? There has been of late and for sometime, a wave of crocodile tears and passing off of responsibility all adding to the forums depressive state. Not discounting the fluffy and shallow holding of hands that do no more than enable such drama queens. Hard hitting I know ... such is required in order to be heard; over the drama of which I speak.

By the way ... this forum is more peer based without the need for official moderators ... which I find more than just cool! I think it's about time some of us older ones identified and challenged the constant complaining (of those we have seen so often {I welcome cristisim as well}) and whining whilst others out there do it hard whilst remaining focused on their recovery.

You must not suffer as bad as some of us do. I say it sucks cause it has made my life miserable for the last 15 years. And when I go through it disables me for weeks sometimes months at a time :(
Go to this link and scroll to the bottom of that page ... my last post - then tell me "You must not suffer as bad as some of "us" do.":

"Us" we are us, and many of us are getting a little sick of these self destructive posts that crumble at the first sign of any challenge. My suggestion for people who want to get better, is to start talking about their issues whilst holding themselves accountable, rather than passing on the responsibility to others and their well adopted labels. Dahila actually has a point. Once you can see past the personalizing and offence - I think the message that Dahila offers if very valid ... Dahila is well placed to raise such issues.

I understand the frustration as well as the main point. We have all heard it before, what has actually been done to make it better? Most people can't get past blaming others, their labels, symptoms and or the medication subsection.

Full credit to those who know how to use their aids and make them work.

Anxiety is real. So what? We all live with it. The rich, famous, & well to do! Accept it and move on. There is so much more to life than constantly hitting up with constant misery as has been pretty much this forums theme. Time to make a change...

...that's if one really wan't to get better, & overcome ones addiction to the comfort of their suffering!

PS - with reference to that link - it's a good example of how two forum members challenge themselves as well as each others through self reflective writing. We may not all agree and that matters little as in the end all that matters is the man/person in the mirror. Those with true intent will remain friends whatever the trauma of their course. My point is - many of us are not here for shits and giggles and or to wipe one's or another's ass.

07-15-2016, 01:04 PM
I remember about 7 or so years ago, I had a basal cell carcinoma on the upper right part of my nose. My dermatologist sent me to a Moh's surgeon (specialized skin cancer surgeon) to get it removed.
The doctor was my age and he asked me my age and when I told him, he said we are both young at 52. Anyway, while I was their I asked him to look at a few more spots and he said they all looked OK. I then
apologized to him for seeming paranoid asking him to look at these other spots. He then said to me, you are not being paranoid at all, and in fact a little paranoia can be be good as it may one day save
your life.

07-15-2016, 01:05 PM
If someone has to deal with real health issues and you have anxiety in addition to that, it make things even tougher. Their is a woman who works right up the hall from me in my office building. We were talking one day and she was telling me her husband had a heart transplant 10 years ago and now he has pancreatic cancer he has to deal with. He is I believe 67. Now that is what I call stress.

07-15-2016, 04:45 PM
Are we talking about generalized anxiety or about anxiety about a specific situation?

07-16-2016, 01:40 PM
Gypsylee...from your posts it does sound like you have had quite a lot to deal with in life. congratulations to you for being such a fighter.

07-17-2016, 07:52 PM
One size does not necessarily fit all.