View Full Version : Sticky points that worked for me!

07-08-2016, 12:32 PM
So, I have been there and all, I have been depressed and I have recovered.
I was scared to tell people around my that i was dealing with negative feelings and I thought they would see me as 'the weird' guy.

Right now, I am happy and back on track. I have never been suacidal and I am grateful to be alive and for what life has to offer us.
There are so many things on my list, like learning a new language, traveling the world and so much more.

The purpose of this post is not to give you guys an inspiration sucsess story, but I will share some sticky points for what worked for ME..

- Have the courage to share your problem with other people, the problems you expierence might be unique but are ALWAYS relateble...
- Rewire your mind by ACTIVELY THINKING about the positive, keep a gratitude journal, focus on what you like in life (even the smallest things)
- Surround yourself by positive people, This might be hard at first because you might be stuck in some negative relationships. Realize that people influence each other and sometimes the best thing to do for both you and them is to walk away (this takes massive amounts of courage)
- READ YOUR WAY TO HAPPINESS, Some books that helped me where books by Eckhart tolle and one that gave me great insights on nutrition, natural supliments and an overal insight of how our brains work is this short read (35 pages) 'Happy Brain' you can get it at:
- Go on an adventure, take trips and surround yourself by different people, this will work wonders for you and you can find testemonials on either the internet or youtube.
- Don't use any alcohol, drugs or other forms of ESCAPISM. these things are not going to fix you or bringing you lasting happiness
- Hustle for a purpose in life, a reason to live is one of the best things you can do for your soul and brain to overcome challenges in life.

Hope you will benefit from this and feel free to ask questions.

07-08-2016, 03:04 PM
I completely agree with your post and it is a good one.