View Full Version : Motion Sickness or Anxiety?

Sebastian Champignon
07-07-2016, 10:54 PM
I don't understand, as recently as a year ago i got really dizzy and woozy on a plane; But I've never been diagnosed with motion sickness, and never ever got sick on a plane. But what I do know is that i have a panic and anxiety disorder that I've have lived for most of my life up until recently.

The thing is, I have to go on a flight with my family to florida tomorrow and I have never been any more scared in my life. Ever since I got sick the last time I went onto a plane I got super dizzy, and I'm confused whether It was just an anxiety attack or motion sickness. I was very nervous of going on the plane again, but I never thought I would get a dizzy spell like that! I have very bad anxiety, and so I have a big fear of vomiting. Luckily enough, I never ended up throwing up and I survived just in time as the flight was only a good 1 hour.

I'm super sad about this whole thing, I tried to discuss this with my parents but they said they don't remember, my mom is claiming that I'm absolutely crazy. I don't know what to do, But I do know I don't have control over this situation, though I atleast want some comfort of some sort because I have no absolute idea if my motion sickness was caused by anxiety, because I've never been diagnosed with motion sickness.

Do you think if I maybe can calm myself down I won't get motion sick? Because I have no idea what to expect, and the scenario that plays out in my head makes this whole situation so dire. I feel so lonely right now.

07-08-2016, 02:14 AM
Hi Sebastian. If you weren't actually anxious about flying, it is likely to have been motion sickness, but your pre-existing anxiety probably feeds into it. I used to be the same, but I've learnt to take deep breaths and use positive self-talk to calm myself down :)

Pro-tip: if you're anxious about flying rather than being dizzy, keep an eye on the flight attendants - even in the worst turbulence they're always calm!! And that calms me down because I know that means we're fine - they've had waaaayyy more flying experience than I have. If it's a long flight, you could also get sleeping tablets from your GP.