View Full Version : I think i have Downs Syndrome ( Severe Delusions or Real ? )

07-06-2016, 05:56 AM
Hello guys, im 24yo male, few years ago i was diagnosed with Panic Disorder, GAD and slight Psychopathy.
At first i didn't believed i can be psychopath, because i taught they're like serial killers and overall bad people while im total opposite, so i gave an laugter to my psychiatrist telling "i do not go outside and kill people" as a reaction but i have done bad things and crimes in my childhood, but mostly im very kind to my friends etc, after doing research i realized that i have alot of psychopathy traits, but that's not the point.

Few months ago i've stopped drinking alcohol ( was drinking for years ), and the anxiety with panic attacks especially various "False memories" and Delusions started to kick in, at first it was like some people did something bad to me in the past etc ( while i was blacked out after lots of alcohol and weed and started to recall false or potentially real memoeries ) and similiar things, then few days later i started to think i will get a stroke or heart attack that comes as anxiety symptoms or panic attacks, but i've managed to overcome it by researching all information about strokes and how heart functions, so i would panic only when the real symptoms kicks in but now different anxiety kicked in.

Now i think i have downs syndrome or a mosaic downs syndrome. While writting this i cant realize the proofs that i have it like people never asked if i have it, doctors never mentioned it and i went to normal school also my whole body has no signs/symptoms of the syndrome, except the face, i have upward slanted eyes, small ears, underdeveloped jaw and oval shaped face which makes me look like that atleast in the mirror, but when i try to take a pic of myself i always end up looking normal. P.S. Im underweight and pale.

I dont want to upload a photo of myself for various reasons, but here i found one guy that has exactly the same features as me even same assymetry and skin tone:
www dot gyazo dot com /ce04a3fabdfdd1c0286bde2dfd8b18d3.png

07-06-2016, 06:34 AM
Welcome to the forum. If you had Downs Syndrome, you would have been told that many years ago.

07-06-2016, 10:58 AM
Down Syndrom...................................it is unbelievable what people do, when they have too much time and too much info on hand.............it is catastrophic

07-06-2016, 06:38 PM
Your mother would have been told either during her pregnancy or just after you were born. It's not the sort of thing doctors easily miss, or something that can go for years without being diagnosed, like autism or aspergers. Even if they had missed it (so extremely unlikely though that is), you would have been told at some time in your life that you had it by your General Practitioner.

It's just not possible to have Down Syndrome and not know it. There is a rational part of your brain that knows this. Please listen to it, and seek therapy for your obsessive compulsive thinking.

07-15-2016, 05:31 AM
In the times and location where i was born there was basically no serious testing except those diseases that is very obvious such as full blown Aspengers or Downs or whatever else, i mean if there was not enough signs of it it could have been easily missed. That's why im wondering, cause i might have Mosaic Down's, because my intellect seems like not affected so much, but my face and its expressions looks like i have downs, but in the childhood i looked kinda normal, thats only appearing now. Or my anxiety related illness just reinforced and plays much stronger tricks on me.

Many parents does not tell to their sons that they have some illness in order to do not to shock them, especially if its mild and untreatable. Also when i compare normal people to myself and downs, the downs ones seems to have more facial traits compared to me than normal ppl. So it's 50:50.

There is a rational part of your brain that knows this. Please listen to it, and seek therapy for your obsessive compulsive thinking.

The only rational thing i can think of is OCD and that i have no traits of downs in my whole body, but that does not mean i do not suffer from DS, cause there's MDS which can be even unnoticeable such as good looks but mental retardation or vice versa, at this point i am not ever sure if im smart, many people treats me as "dumb" especially because im talking nosense, i do not know the multiplication table, do not know the months naming ( considered it useless when i had to learn it ) and sometimes i just do stupid things that i regret later or i do not notice small things in very basic tasks and fail.

07-15-2016, 05:50 AM
Or maybe you had someone in family Asiatic ? It could be generation back. I do not people with down syndrome, and I actually work with them, and you have simple and no romantic health anxiety

07-15-2016, 10:22 AM
Or maybe you had someone in family Asiatic ? It could be generation back. I do not people with down syndrome, and I actually work with them, and you have simple and no romantic health anxiety
Can you PM me ? I will send you some pics of myself, so you can tell it better, i cannot send pm's cause i didnt reach the post count to 10. So i should be able to reply.

07-15-2016, 03:30 PM
Majesti sorry babe I do not pm strangers or any people on forum, I am soo sorry

07-15-2016, 03:34 PM
Down Syndrom...................................it is unbelievable what people do, when they have too much time and too much info on hand.............it is catastrophic Exactly what I was thinking.

07-20-2016, 12:27 AM
The good news is, you almost certainly do not have Down Syndrome. The bad news is, you.....definitely need more help than this forum can provide. I'm not trying to be mean, I'm trying to help. You have a warped self-image and this must be addressed.

08-02-2016, 11:08 AM
I'm trying to help. You have a warped self-image and this must be addressed.

So you say that im having some kind of psychological hallucinations when i look in the mirror ? But it's not, my ears is not normal - shape is normal, but its very tiny also in normal position, my smile is not normal - its square like in DS etc, also i have difficulty with social stuff ( due to gaming for years or aspergers/psychopathy which both is antisocial personalities ( i dont care if i have one of these, even maybe glad ) which was not diagnosed deeply but i might have one of them, took the ~300+ question test, i got like zero answers, psychiatrist didnt said if im normal or not, and after i've annoyed her with the questions like i've mentioned in the first post she told me im psychopath, so not even sure if that was the diagnosis she was hiding or she just raged on me, but later after checking the traits online i've realized that i share alot of both psychopathy and aspergers traits ).

Oh and i have checked my picture where i am infant, my eyes was highly slanted upwards, tiny nose, ears protruding rest pretty ok i guess, checked other normal infants on google, they all were normal, so that makes me think that i may have MDS/DS even more. But i think i would not be sitting here and writing this stuff if i had one, especially when i doubt it. But in case i have MDS, that could be nearly impossible to tell and especially easily misdiagnosed. I know i dont have pure DS, they can barely talk and is slow learners which is total opposite of me, im extremely fast learner when it comes to stuff that i like.. ( but i dont even recognize the month naming for example considering it useless so i prefer number format e.g. 2016-08-02 or saying "8th month 2nd day")